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All public universities will migrate this year to the virtual education system


100% of the country’s public universities will migrate this year to the virtual education system to prevent their students from being harmed by the health emergency caused by the coronavirus, the Ministry of Education (Minedu) reported.

In this process, they will have the technical assistance of international organizations.

The general director of Higher Education of the Minedu University, Jorge Mori, stated that the objective is for the 52 public universities to offer virtual classes through technological instruments. So far, 32 universities have managed to implement actions to offer the distance educational service, he noted.

“Our national universities will receive technical assistance from academic organizations with extensive experience in the technological field, such as Laspau-Harvard in alliance with the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey and Uplanner, the British Council, the University of Liverpool, Iesalc-Unesco, UNED de Spain with UTEC and Tecsup, and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú ”, he specified.

This initiative aims to diagnose the institutional capacity of universities to develop non-contact education processes, the implementation of appropriate syllables and syllables, as well as the non-contact adaptation of courses 2020-I onwards.

It also seeks to strengthen the digital skills of teachers, students and technical support personnel, the generation of virtual courses and the implementation of the monitoring system as an evaluation instrument for face-to-face education during the time of emergency.


Along these same lines, Mori indicated that through Legislative Decree No. 1465, a budget of up to 31 million soles was allocated so that universities can contract and buy internet services for their low-income students, as an extraordinary measure to overcome the problems generated by the covid-19 and avoid desertion.

He also reported that the Minedu, through the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (Pronabec), offers the Continuity Scholarship for high-achieving students and the “Continuity Credit” in order that more young people can continue and complete their university studies .

Also read in El Peruano:


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