Home » today » Health » All parties must work together to avoid the creation of new HIV / AIDS cases

All parties must work together to avoid the creation of new HIV / AIDS cases

Balitribune.co.id | Denpasar – – Ibu Putri Suastini Koster invites all stakeholders, both community and stakeholders, community organizations, government and others to work together to create Indonesia, especially Bali, which has no (zero) new HIV cases. / Have AIDS.

This hope was conveyed in one direction when he was the keynote speaker at the Bali Scout Headquarters talk show, last Tuesday (12/1), virtually through the zoom application of the Bali Governor’s Office, Jayasabha Denpasar.

In addition, he, who also serves as Chair of the Kwarda Bali Honorary Council, said that all people currently affected by the Covid-19 pandemic are facing the threat of other viruses such as HIV-AIDS and substance abuse which will become the golden generation of the future. destroy the nation, don’t forget.

For this reason, various socialization efforts, education to the public about the HIV / AIDS virus and the dangers of drugs must be carried out massively and continuously. “We are together and never stop and are bored always socializing, educating, reminiscing, reminding the public about HIV-AIDS and the dangers of substance abuse. Together we will create zero (zero) new cases in Bali HIV-AIDS, “he said.

In the talk show, “Keeping away from HIV / AIDS – be close to people with HIV,” the number one companion in Bali invited the public to change the negative stigma of PLWHA (ODHA). The negative stigma and discrimination faced by PLWHA can prevent them from knowing that they are HIV positive. “Don’t let PLHIV who are physically sick get mentally ill because they are persecuted in the community. We built openness to see if they caught the virus. There should be no discrimination and no negativity. The stigma against PLWHA gives more, “he hoped.

At the end of her leadership, this multi-talented woman invited all components to increase socialization and education related to efforts to prevent the spread of HIV-AIDS in the community by advocating for healthy living movements such as: B. loyalty to partners and rejection of drugs that can transmit HIV-AIDS by injection.

In addition, all parties must continue to encourage HIV-AIDS sufferers to undergo regular health checks and drug use. “I emphasize again, stay away from the risk factors, not the sufferers. We stay away from viruses by adopting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding free sex, ”said Ibu Putri Koster.

The talkshow that afternoon also presented a number of other speakers including AKBP I Ketut Suandika SH MH as the chairman of P2M BNNP Bali, Dr. I Made Oka Negara SKed MBiomed as Chair of the Bali AIDS Care Forum and Ni Wayan Ika Ayu Rayni who works as a consultant.

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