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Since Fiorentina changed coaches, greeting the Prandelli-bis in place of an Iachini tactically defeated even from the square, immediately left module hunt. Because one of the crucial points of criticism of Iachini was precisely on that 3-5-2 so fossilized in the match plan that it has become taboo to even think about a change. And then with Prandelli – who in any case in his last experience in Genoa had adopted exactly that scheme – here we go back to eye the back four, e in addition to 4-3-1-2 with the midfielder of blue memory, it has been heard propose again that 4-2-3-1 with which he had done so well in the first Florentine adventure, but also the 4-3-3, given the overabundance in the median.

Here, wanting to focus on quantity even before quality, observing the two schemes mentioned above, both formed by a offensive trident including the tip and two external sides, some reflections on the current composition of the Fiorentina squad are automatically triggered. Alla voice “attack outsiders”, you will notice, the choice does not appear so varied: places the two sacred monsters of the role Ribery and Callejon, one on one side and one on the other, must be considered the age of both, and the fact that the Frenchman will hardly be able to play every single game. The alternative? To date there seems to be just Kouame, in conception prandelliana a second tip but also capable of starting from more decentralized characteristics, or a Bonaventura to adapt, as had already happened to him in flashes in Bergamo and Milan. For the rest, thinking it is difficult to see Castrovilli on the wing or the sporting exhumation of two who so far appeared well out of the project such as Eysseric and Montiel, the sides seem to be missing, and perhaps even in the market there are some regrets for letting go away two pure outsiders like Sottil and Ghezzal, who were sacrificed last year in roles not theirs. Among the various considerations that Prandelli is maturing in these hours, surely, there are also those listed above.

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