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All information now also on Instagram

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Family education centers in the district: All information is now also available on Instagram

Ratzeburg/Schwarzenbek/Lauenburg.Pilates, back exercises or meditative hiking: for 50 years, the Evangelische Familienbildungsstätten (FBS) in Ratzeburg, Schwarzenbek and Lauenburg have been setting important accents in the social life of the Duchy with their offers. “We are focusing on a dual strategy – on education and encounters,” say the three directors Kerstin Dlugi, Christine Nolze and Kerstin Möller.

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The success proves the three family education centers in the Duchy of Lauenburg right. Demand for the courses is high and the courses are well booked. “We believe in diversity – in every respect,” says Christine Nolze. The 59-year-old has been responsible for the fortunes of the FBS in Ratzeburg since 2021. She has been part of the team of course instructors since 2012. Memory training and line dancing are among her hobbies. “Our offers are complex – appeal to all generations and denominations,” says Christine Nolze.

Offers for people of all religious affiliations

Although the family education centers are sponsored by the Protestant Church, all three institutions attach great importance to making their offers accessible to people of all religious affiliations. “In many cases, this is even a special enrichment for the courses,” adds Kerstin Dlugi, head of the FBS in Schwarzenbek. Kerstin Möller, who has been responsible for the family education center in Lauenburg since November 2020, agrees: “We are an important building block in cultural and religious exchange.”

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The three family education centers in the Duchy of Lauenburg offer 750 courses per year. It is important to all three leaders that offers are not only offered at the central locations, but also in the surrounding communities. This is particularly important for young parents and older people, they emphasize. “Although the family education centers have been around for 50 years, we are and will remain modern,” says Kerstin Dlugi. The 57-year-old loves sports – running, fencing and recently yoga are very popular with her. Again and again she offered her private interests as an FBS course.

“The family education centers are supported by a large number of people with a wide variety of specializations, who offer what they themselves like to do or are best at,” says the Schwarzenbeker FBS boss in a nutshell. The three directors are not only closely connected professionally and rely on cooperation. “We also often have the same views and ideas as to how we can further advance our facilities,” emphasizes Kerstin Möller. At a digital service meeting during the corona pandemic, the 49-year-old and her colleagues had the idea of ​​being more present on social media.

Now there is an Instagram channel

Preparations have been underway since winter 2021. Now the three family education centers want to start. “The special thing is that we will fill a joint Instagram channel with life, which will show what we have in common, but also our individual offers,” announces the trio. It starts now on the new Instagram profile “@FBS_im_Herzogtum”.

“Our evangelical family education centers make an important contribution to the ‘Grow up with God’ campaign,” emphasizes Lauenburg’s provost Frauke Eiben. For example, with the “Delfi” offer, they would particularly target families with one child in the first months of life. “In addition to very practical tips and questions about health, this is also a place to talk about worries, gratitude and questions about faith: Should I baptize my child? How does it actually work? All of that can be discussed,” emphasizes Frauke Eiben.

The family education centers have a short line to the parish pastors and also to the offers of our diaconal work. “I appreciate the low-threshold offer at first glance, in which people of all generations have a place and are seen. It’s good if this important work can also be found easily on social media,” affirms the provost.

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