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all better with Sun in Libra and Moon in Sagittarius

In today’s horoscope, the Sun has officially entered the zodiac sign of Libra, which is certainly no less fussy than Virgo. The point is that today, for much of the day, both the Sun and Venus (in Leo) will be isolated. Why in most of the day and not in all? Because rotating the entire zodiac wheel 360 degrees during the 24 hours sometimes creates aspects with the Ascendant, Midheaven or Moon that last a few hours. And what does isolated mean? But how many questions! It means that the emotional part (Venus) remains silent, without contact with the other parts of us, as if asleep, introverted. It amplifies its less positive influence on the second decade of Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

The horoscope of September 23rd

All clear? I know that sometimes I go further and tell you more specific things about astrological technique. But I like it like this … You too? In all cases, know that the astrologer certainly does not forget your daily horoscope, sign by sign, especially today that the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius … Very famous for being one who does not lose pieces!

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Mars, Venus and the Moon all united as on the bonfire of the Temptation Island confrontation. There is really a whole season to baste using as a reference all the flirtations that you allow yourself these days. Just remember that you have opposite Mercury and you could mistake Luisa for Anna without even realizing it… Watch out for details !!!
love: so much steals. Work: you would love to start the screensaver your thoughts. Salute: you have the same energy as the newborn baby turtles you want to throw into the sea. Tip of the day: don’t be a spendthrift. There is no need to buy expensive gifts to show your affection. (But if you really want to give a gift, your astrologer accepts with pleasure!)
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Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

This square Venus doesn’t leave you very calm. It almost seems that someone feels envy and annoyance towards you. A bit like what is happening to Banksy (did you know that they are revoking the copyright on his works because an artist without an identity cannot claim it ?!). Do like the mysterious artist, don’t worry too much about the noise that is created around you and go straight on your way.
love: ignore too complex speeches: speak only and only about what you feel. Work: whether they are new or old colleagues, try to nurture the relationship with them well (and keep them good)! Salute: there is not too much confidence in yourself but then still face the day in a productive way. Tip of the day: change some patterns… for example try a new dish during the lunch break!
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Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Comments from others can hurt and make you feel out of place but remember that Mercury is always in your favor and allows you to distance yourself before responding politely and assertively. Michele Bravi (the singer) teaches that we must not hide in the face of too invasive comments but that we can respond with confidence even to less happy comments. (Well done, like him!)
love: are you considering proposals for a dinner for two also with your astrologer? Work: they all come to you to ask for explanations on things they have not understood. Salute: some moment of turning bales is to be taken into account. Know that. Tip of the day: do not go down to the level of those who want to provoke you and, on the contrary, go on without even delaying. Indifference makes you overwhelmed in (almost) every occasion.
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Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Don’t rely on the judgment of others! Especially today! Square Mercury and Mars to accompany it make you lazy and careless. You risk finding your balcony full of plants… funny (!!!) like Countess De Blanck who, believing she planted only exotic flora, found herself with an illegal plantation for everyone to see! I recommend…!
love: I hesitated. To accept or not to accept the invitation to his parents’ house !? That is the question! Work: hold on… sooner or later the lunch break bell will ring for you too. Salute: … the only problem is the usual tiredness that has been with you for a while! Tip of the day: let your thoughts flow and place pen on paper to write poems or imaginative stories that allow you to withdraw into your world!
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Leo (July 23 – August 23)

And what do you care if others criticize you for your cosmetic remedies for looking your best? Whether they are permanent interventions or not, do as Gianni Sperti and candidly admit that you do everything to take care of your appearance which remains, to all intents and purposes, our business card. Venus continues to make you as beautiful as the sun (and just as hot!).
love: you love emotions and you really can’t do without them. Work: there are small obstacles to overcome. Obviously they only serve to make you understand how powerful and organized you are and not to seriously put you in crisis! Salute: you wake up with the right paw and are ready to conquer the world! Tip of the day: hang a philosophical calendar next to the mirror in the bathroom. To start each day with a good thought!
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Virgo (august 24 – september 22)

Luna square is a saying all … especially if you hear people talking a little too freely about your affairs (like Balotelli’s brother who drifts a little too much about the footballer’s private life). Leave the nervousness aside and try to distance yourself from those you don’t like today: you need to get things from the right perspective.
love: the games of glances make you want to flirt. Work: there are few things that you do not do well and, I am sure, that today you will not happen to meet even one! Salute: snappy like a Cayman Islands turtle. Tip of the day: slow down: walk at half speed, take the time to look around and don’t get too involved in the rush of others. #TakeItEasy
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Libra (september 23 – october 22)

Mercury on the sign gives a shock to your thinking and makes you quick to calculate like not even a laser thermometer or a scientific calculator. Taking advantage of this skill is the key to success on a day like this where your perceptions are a thousand and you need to use your head to anticipate. Go ahead!
love: in evaluation of some proposals that, at the moment, seem too daring to you. Work: push buttons with anyone, even with the multifunction printer. Salute: stable mood throughout the day. Tip of the day: don’t get too carried away by imaginative projects. Are you the girl who, flipping through a travel magazine, might be seized by the sudden desire to book a kayaking trip to Iceland … or a stay in Bali … or perhaps a cruise in the Pacific?
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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Enviable Irina Shayk who, even during the daily commitments of a busy mother, looks sexy and without even a hair out of place … not like us who have this square Venus that makes us feel out of place like Paolo Brosio at GF! Don’t focus too much on your rusty amatory skills… it’s only a matter of time before you get your hand back…!
love: a totally unknown universe, this. Work: there are very complex practices to unravel … and I still don’t understand why they leave them all to you. Salute: stay well away from mirrors and reflective surfaces … otherwise you risk wasting the whole day looking at your defects … Tip of the day: if you don’t feel ready to interact with others, don’t be afraid to be honest and to postpone appointments in a few days … a few months … a few centuries …
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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

I have to call you one of these days. You’re probably the only one who understood something in Lady Gaga’s new video (“911”). With that Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in favor I am amazed that they have not already called you to CERN or NASA to solve the great mysteries of life … but if you had some free time you could explain the plot of “Inception” again because not I get it.
love: it promises to be a very interesting day! Work: go with the flow and your desire to commit (be it absent or present!). Salute: you could be a perfect example of health! Tip of the day: absolutely do not put limits of any kind! If you should be offered a tour of the city center with several stops to try out different pubs and bars, don’t refuse the invitation!
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Capricorn (December 22 – January 21)

It’s probably not the best of times. With a square Mercury that makes you forget your wallet and cell phone at home and a Mars that plays to make you feel tired like a bear about to go into hibernation … But we must admit that Jupiter continues to do its job and manages, somehow, to make you feel confident about yourself (and your partner).
love: you accept cuddles ONLY if you don’t have to reciprocate them. Work: there is little desire to start weighing the pros and cons. Salute: little energy and a lot of great desire to relax a bit. Tip of the day: do not disdain the news. If they invite you to a business dinner at a Thai restaurant, don’t be picky!
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Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Do you want freedom and lightness? Why not hook an old fiery red Panda to a hot air balloon to celebrate its 40th anniversary and enjoy some air on your face as you pretend to drive it? The opposite Venus makes you want to have some calm and tranquility without necessarily having to give in to fights and provocations that only make you nervous!
love: as easy as solving a blindfolded Rubik’s Cube. Work: there is a need to clarify some basic concepts of coexistence between colleagues. Salute: A good burst of energy could convince you to go for a run before dawn. Quiet: the desire runs out quickly. Tip of the day: put some accessories on your head to look nice and cheerful. Plush ears on the moped case are also fine!
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Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

You don’t like people who don’t know how to keep secrets, especially if they use social media or media to blurt out things that you had only to confide to them (maybe that’s why you didn’t like Zorzi’s tip to the GF about Gabriel Garko ?!). Try not to indulge the square Moon too much and keep well away from those who are unable to treat you delicately on days like these.
love: if he asks you to share the last ice cream of the season with you, I see love…! Work: forced to rethink some of your projects in an alternative way. Salute: you are a little stunned! Tip of the day: changed the Whatsapp groups. Especially those related to work or the group of mothers worried about going back to school. Unplug!
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