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All against football madness; ‘Don’t play without the point; Extreme worship is dangerous’; Full text of the message

The World Cup: football and faith

Football as a sport is not a taboo game. Basically anything that is beneficial to human physical and mental development is permissible for humans. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged the children to run.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) told the Ethiopians, who had performed the traditional arrow program on the day of the festival, to continue it.

Islam strongly warns against entertainments that influence people uncontrollably and life itself becomes entertainment. It is known in history that the Prophet ﷺ engaged in sports exercises, the Prophet ﷺ competed with his wife Aisha (RA), and the Prophet ﷺ gave the opportunity to his wife Aisha (RA) to watch the sports exercises performed by the Ethiopians in the mosque. But you have to play by the rules. No separate games. A believer’s approach to entertainment should not be such that it interferes with the proper performance of namaz.

The Quran says:

‘The believers will be those who turn away from useless things’ (23:3)

If they hear vain words, those standing next to them will turn away and say: What we have are our deeds. What you have are your actions. Salaam to you. We don’t need fools.

The playing field should not be feverish and intoxicating

A believer should not have undue influence or enthusiasm in any matter. This should be the attitude of those who believe in playing and watching the game. Because the time and money he spends are given to him by his Lord. For every moment and every penny he will be accountable to his master. Therefore, football should not become an addiction. The impact some games and players have on us is immense. Care must be taken not to let that influence become an addiction. Anything that hides a lot of responsibilities and forgets everything and gets absorbed in them is addiction. Intoxication is not just alcohol and drugs; Many things we consider entertainment must be considered taboo if they weaken our sense of responsibility.

Don’t miss the jamaats game

Most World Cup matches are played at night and after midnight in India. Those who watch the game until dark should watch it in a way that does not disturb the day and night congregational prayers. Calcium addiction should never dissuade any believer from performing congregational prayers.

Don’t take a nap:


And we made your sleep restful.
And we made the night a robe.

And we made the day a time of life.
(78:9, 10, 11)


It is natural for anyone who loves the game of soccer to have a special interest in any team or player. But it’s not fair for that interest to turn into adoration and for their fans to become slaves.

Huge planks and scraps costing tens of thousands and lakhs have appeared on every street and even in villages.

Read also- All against football madness; ‘It is not right to walk with flags of anti-Islamic countries’

It is surprising that people who have no livelihood, job or income share this waste. It is not a love of football but an expression of the heroism he has built up in his mind towards his football hero.
Love and playfulness are very dangerous when they cross the line of adoration. Allah alone should be worshipped. Making fans a personal adoration will even cause subtraction.
Likewise, there should be no waste


Verily spendthrifts are brothers of devils. The devil is very ungrateful to the Lord of him.

Instead of instilling the spirit of sportsmanship into the game, there should be no worship of the individual and no national commitment to the nation. It is also not the right way to include the first conquerors and barbarians of India, Portugal and anti-Islamic countries with their flags.

Samasta Kerala Jamiyatul Khutba
state committee

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