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All about the chip that Elon Musk and Neuralink develop for human brains

The owner of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, keeps his gaze fixed on the future, as he is developing with the company Neuralink a chip that, implanted in the skull of humans, it would solve neurological problems and even make people with spinal cord damage walk again.

Musk presented -during a live broadcast- the progress of the project, which has been tested in two pigs: Gertrude and Dorothy, the first of them currently has the implant, while the second had it for two months.

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The billionaire businessman displayed Gertrude’s brain activity reading on a computer as she ate and moved on a treadmill. Given this, he said that the implantation does not imply any change in the animals, since both are “happy and healthy”.

He 23mm mide chip by eight millimeters, in addition – said Musk – it can be implanted by a surgical robot without the need to give the patient general anesthesia and it can be removed and put back in if you wish.

The size of the chip allows it not to be seen, as it is covered by hair, the battery is recharged at night and the idea is that, when it is fully developed for humans, it can connect to phone cell phone.

According to Musk, multiple chips can be put into a single individual for different purposes.

In a previous model, presented in 2019, in addition to the chip, a device had to be placed behind the ear to make it work, something that is no longer necessary.

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Some scientists have claimed that the Neuralink product might help some neurological problems and to people with paralysis it would allow them to control a computer mouse.

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The first clinical trials will be in a small number of patients with severe spinal cord injuries, to make sure it works and is safe. Long term, Musk said they will be able to restore full motion in people with those types of injuries using a second implant on the spine. Most important thing the device might be able to do, Musk said, would let people achieve what he calls “AI symbiosis,” which allows the human brain to merge with an artificial intelligence. “Such that he future of the world is controlled by the combined will of the people of Earth — I think that that’s obviously gonna be the future that we want,” he said tonight. The design of the Neuralink device has changed since it was unveiled last year, rendering the device itself hard to see on Gertrude. It is now coin-shaped and meant to sit flush with the skull, rather than having a small module resting near the ear. The threads have more electrodes than other systems — which means more information — and they may not cause as much damage as stiff needles. However, foreign objects in the brain degrade over time, and smaller ones break down faster. One member of the team at tonight’s demonstration said that one of the main challenges for Neuralink was making sure the device could last for decades in a corrosive environment like the brain. ___________________________________________________ #elonmusk #28aug #neuralink #elon #28augneuralink #ai #brainmachineinterface #spaceX #solarcity #hyperloop #engineering #bmi #boringcompany #braincomputerinterface #theboringcompany #bci #openai #starlink #brain #falcon #matrix #falconheavy #tesla #science #robotic #artificialintelligence #implant

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Musk went further in the presentation and said that among the potential capabilities of Neuralink’s brain-device interface is driving a Tesla car with thought alone, playing video games, “save and reproduce memories” or even making people with spinal cord damage walk again.

He explained that the implant could also solve problems such as memory loss, hearing loss, depression and insomnia.

On other occasions he has said that with these devices they intend that human beings can compete with “artificial intelligence”.

Prior to this Neuralink initiative, there have been neurosurgeons who have used small electronic devices to stimulate the nerves and some areas of the brain to treat hearing loss or Parkinson’s disease and there have been experiments with implants in the brain.

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Musk assured that with the presentation of the chip he does not seek to raise money, since he pointed out that the main purpose is to convince people to join the Neuralink project.

“We are not trying to raise money … the main purpose of this presentation is to convince the right people to come work with Neuralink and help us do the affordable product and reliable so that anyone who wants one can have it, “he said.

The Neuralink company, – confused by Musk-, was created in 2016 in order to develop a wireless brain-device interface.

|| With information from EFE ||


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