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All about the 2022 New York Marathon

If you are a true marathoner, there is no greater goal than reaching the Six Star Medal, a huge medal that proves that you have run the six most famous marathons in the world: Berlin, Tokyo, Boston, Chicago, London and of course .. . New York! In this article, we tell you all about the New York Marathon 2022. Because with thousands of participants from all over the world, it’s no surprise that this event is on every marathoner’s wish list.

Read also: International Marathon Calendar 2023.

What is the route of the New York Marathon?

As in previous years, the New York Marathon will start at the foot of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge on Staten Island. Walking this 1298 meter long bridge is already a special experience, and then the rest of the marathon is yet to come. Then you start in Brooklyn, walking around this neighborhood is a lot of fun. You will feel fresh in this moment and be amazed by the incredible energy of the thousands of runners, supporters and the music. Once you get to Pulaski Bridge, a bridge between Brooklyn and Queens, you know you’re halfway there. If you look to the left, you have a fantastic view of the Manhattan skyline. What if that doesn’t really give you a NYC feeling !?

A few miles after the iconic Queensboro Bridge, the adventure continues on Manhattan. Then you will cross the Bronx and walk through Manhattan for the second time to the finish line in Central Park!
Also read: This is a six-star medal and that’s how you get one

How many meters of elevation does the New York Marathon have?

Due to the numerous bridges and the higher position in Central Park, the New York marathon is less flat than, for example, in Berlin. Immediately after the start, a steep climb is already expected to reach the Verazzano-Stretti Bridge. Approximately 12 kilometers it is again on Lafayette Avenue and you will also feel the Queensboro Bridge in your calves. In total, about 260 meters in altitude are covered.

Read also: What Makes the New York Marathon So Epic?

How much does it cost to participate in the New York Marathon?

The New York Marathon may be a bucket list item, but it’s not cheap … Americans pay around € 300 to participate in the New York Marathon 2022. As a Dutchman, you will soon have to pay € 366. Add your flight, extra room and board and quickly reach 1500 euros.

Where can I see the New York Marathon live?

If you know people who participate in the marathon, you naturally hope to see them at home. Which can! Later it will become clearer the website of the New York marathon where you can find the link to the live broadcast.

How long does the New York marathon last?

Like any marathon, this one is 42.195 kilometers long.

How many participants does the New York Marathon have?

50,000 runners participate in the New York Marathon. This makes it the largest marathon in the world and attracts runners from all continents.

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