Home » today » Business » Alken Maes Brewery Makes Extraordinary Call: “Stop Stealing Beer Glasses from the Bar” | To eat

Alken Maes Brewery Makes Extraordinary Call: “Stop Stealing Beer Glasses from the Bar” | To eat

Extraordinary phone call from Alken-Maes brewery: brewers are asking pub-goers to stop stealing glasses of beer. The Nieuwsblad writes it today. The cause of this? The price of the production glass. It has increased significantly in recent times due, among other things, to the war in Ukraine, which makes it more difficult to sort them out. “People don’t want us to finish one day, do they?”

Bring a glass from the bar as a souvenir. Many people do this because they simply like a glass. At the Alken-Maes brewery it was enough. The maker of brands such as Maes, Christal, Grimbergen and Mort Subite is demanding that there be no more glasses to take home.

“This has everything to do with the price of the glass,” says Sebastiaan De Meester, spokesman for the brewery on Radio 2. “It has increased significantly, because its production is extremely energy-intensive.” In the past, the cost of producing a glass was around € 0.50, now it is between € 1 and € 2 on average. “In addition, there is also a shortage and more productions have been suspended due to the conflict in Ukraine.” For example, sometimes it’s months of waiting for new beer glasses.

Drinking beer from the wrong glass

Although there are still enough glasses to stock all permanent bars, Alken-Maes asks that they no longer bring the glasses home. “We recently went to a trade show, where we got eighty of those new glasses. There are two tampers left in the evening. It’s nice that people like them, but we really have to be careful with them. We still have stock, but reordering is not that simple today. And people don’t want us to finish one day, right? Then you have to drink a pint from the wrong glass, which nobody wants, ”De Meester said in Het Nieuwsblad.


Do you sometimes take a glass of beer home with you?

  • Yes, that’s how I add to my collection. (22%)

  • No, never did. (78%)

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