Home » today » News » Alina Bárbara López and Jorge Fernández have been arrested for “defying” house arrest

Alina Bárbara López and Jorge Fernández have been arrested for “defying” house arrest

The historian Alina Bárbara López Hernández and the journalist Jorge Fernández Era were detained this Sunday, again, by the State Security after they “challenged” the house protection measures that were placed them arbitrarily. The arrest of Cuban intellectuals was carried out separately as reported by them and their relatives on social networks.

The journalist was caught in the morning when he left his home in Havana. His intention, like every day on the 18th of the month, was to peacefully protest a series of demands of a political nature that are part of a petition sent to the Government that he is, from April 2023, defended together with López.

“Aware that they wouldn’t let me move anywhere, I decided to go out and that was enough to put my hand on me, put me in the car and we moved ‘to Guanabo’, according to the information given to my wife,” detailed This Monday on his networks where he told some details about the arrest. Contrary to what was reported to his relatives, he was taken to the Santiago de las Vegas station, where he was made to stay eleven hours before being released, which is why he says he was “technically lost” during that time.

Fernández remained in custody for eleven hours at the Santiago de las Vegas station

López was arrested in Matanzas, a few hours later, when she left her home to protest, as she does every 18th of the month like Fernández, to ask for freedom, among other things others, to political prisoners and to stop the harassment of people who exercise. their freedom.

After his release, López He took to his social networks to provide more information about the arrest. She explained that after her arrest, she was taken to La Playa station where she was “warned for avoiding house arrest precautions. ” But he clarified that he did not sign the warning given to him by the State Security at any time because he believes it is “illegal” the process followed against it.

López believes that the process against him is illegal

In recent months, the repression against both intellectuals has extended to their closest circle, including family and friends. For example, at the end of July it was learned that the anthropologist and activist Jenny Pantoja Torres was expelled from the Miguel Enríquez Faculty at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. because of his closeness to the historian. Last April, Fernandez He accused the regime of revenge against his son which provides a sentence for robbery with violence committed in March 2021.

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