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Alien-like Sea Creature Found in ‘Jurassic Pompeii’ in England

The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London

Fossils of sea creatures squiggly like aliens.

Nationalgeographic.co.id—Paleontologists in England discovered a number of sea ​​creatures curvy like alien. They found fossil creature-sea ​​creatures from era Jurassic it’s under a limestone quarry in the Cotswolds region.

Fossil sea ​​creatures similar alien it is one of tens of thousands of findings fossil marine invertebrates –the so-called echinodermata— found at that location. Fossilfossil it is well-preserved in all stages of their life cycle, the researchers said in a statement. Echinodermata In Greek it means “porcupine skin” and includes the ancient ancestors of modern sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, and frilled-legged sea lilies.

But sadly, just when things were booming, the thriving seabed community met a catastrophic end. There was a mysterious catastrophe—perhaps a landslide triggered by an earthquake—that struck and buried the animals for 167 million years.

What we got here is some kind of Pompeii Jurassic, said Neville Hollingworth, a hunter fossil amateur who discovered the grave site fossilfossil it was while hiking with his wife.


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