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Alicja Majewska took care of her sick mother for over a decade

Alicja Majewska, although she has been present on the music scene for over half a century, is reluctant to talk about the details of her private life. Now she has decided to break this rule and in an interview given to Mariusz Szczygieł she described the last years of her mother’s life. For over a decade, the artist took care of her sick mother, who lived in her house.

Alicja Majewska took care of her sick mother for over a decade

In the latest interview, Alicja Majewska told Mariusz Szczygieł from TVP Info about their relationship in the last years of her mother’s life. The singer admitted that they had a good relationship throughout their lives. When the artist’s mother fell ill, she did not hesitate for a moment and decided to provide her with the best care at all costs.

“Until she was 84, she ran, flew, I brought these dumplings, borscht, I always had tomato soup in the fridge. Mom lived in Milanówek. And then she had a very severe stroke. Of course, there was a trial period, rehabilitation; mom was in Wrocław at the time, with her sister, but at some point I decided that I would take her to Milanówek for a trial period” the singer began. Her mother lived with her for the next twelve years.

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Alicja Majewska talked about her mother’s illness

Alicja Majewska admitted that taking care of her mother was not easy. After the stroke, it was hard for her to find her bearings in reality, and contact with her was very difficult. However, the singer did not complain for a moment. In her eyes, taking care of parents in need is not a sacrifice or a hindrance, but a natural course of events and a simple thank you for what a parent has done for their child throughout their life.

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As she confessed in an interview with VIVA! it was her mother who taught her to “nurture family ties. She reminded us of name days, wedding anniversaries, birthdays,” she said in an interview with Katarzyna Piątkowska. “I had the opportunity, due to my mother’s illness, to express my feelings to my mother. It showed me a different self, one that I had never known in any situation. We don’t know how we’ll behave until we’re tested. It worked out because I had the opportunity to have a place, I could do rehearsals upstairs and live normally,” the artist told TVP Info.

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Alicja Majewska is grateful for help in caring for her mother

There were moments, however, that were difficult for the artist. It was primarily the enormous responsibility she had for her life and safety. Although she was able to provide for her well-being, the fact that her mother was 100% dependent on her was sometimes overwhelming.

“Mom had her own room, with photos of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but in the evening a healthy person goes upstairs, at any moment turns off the light or turns on the TV or has a drink of water, and mom… You leave a person who is completely dependent on you. And you have to be very sensitive to their needs” she translated and added “The hardest thing is helplessness”.

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Alicja Majewska also spoke about how incredibly lucky she was to be able to take such good care of her mother. She had a place to put her and funds to pay for medicines and specialists. The caregivers who helped her take care of her weakened mother were especially helpful.

“We have been friends with one of the caregivers for many, many years. When my mother passed away, she remained as a family member. If such a period had not occurred in my life, I might have felt guilty that something was not enough. We have to try to live as if this day was the last in our lives. We cannot control it all the time, but we have to remember it in the back of our minds.” she confessed to Mariusz Szczygieł.

The artist also added that although she said goodbye to her mother several years ago, she still has her room in her house (the so-called grandmother’s room), where there are still photos of all of her mother’s grandchildren.

Alicja Majewska, VIVA! December 2015, VIVA! 26/2015 Bartek Wieczorek/LAF AM

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