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Alicia Moffet Opens Up About the Challenges of Being a Mother After a Separation

During their recent appearance on the podcast Everyone hates each otherAlicia Moffet and her partner Frédérick Robichaud discussed the challenges of motherhood, particularly since Alicia separated from the father of her child.

She told hosts Marylène Gendron and Sam Cyr that she has always been a maternal person and wanted to become a mother at a young age. However, after her separation from her daughter Billie Lou’s father, Alexandre Mentink, she felt a lot of pressure.

Alicia explains that she didn’t imagine a separation possible for her, given that her parents separated when she was young. She wanted to avoid finding herself in the same situation:

“Fred, he obviously helps me, but Fred can’t be as much hands on as if it were his father. We often have discussions (about the fact) that he doesn’t have to do that […]but you know, it makes it so that like it or not, I’m a single mother. Well, it’s a lot harder, it’s a lot more challenging, it makes it a lot less fun sometimes. You end up feeling guilty and being like damn, why am I not having fun?. Then I go get her and I’m like f*ck, what am I gonna do with it today?. Then, there, you put pressure on yourself, because you don’t want her to get bored, because maybe at her father’s she doesn’t get bored. It’s endless the challenges

The singer also addressed the fact that since she shows her daughter less on social media, while her ex shows her more, she is once again being judged:

“Since I don’t really show it anymore, then her father shows her more, well there it’s like: Her mother is not present, then she is never with her mother, then i’m like: Dude, she’s just as much with us. Since I show it less, it’s like: Well where is your daughter? It seems to me that you always go on trips without your daughter.»

Fred then took the floor to clarify that there is no manual for being a stepfather and that, obviously, he too feels some pressure to get Billie to love and accept him!

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