Black Friday will officially begin on Friday November 24, 2023, and will last until Sunday evening. An opportunity to shop at lower prices and take advantage of promotions. This is also the case with airlines.
As we have already seen in the columns of Algérie360, several air carriers serving Algeria have announced the launch of a series of promotions on their flights.
Algiers – New York flights: tickets from 299 euros at Iberia
Among these airlines which lowered the prices of their flights on the occasion of Black Friday, the Spanish company Iberia. Remember, the latter includes in its program service to New York airport from that of Houari Boumediene in Algiers, these flights obviously include stopovers.
Furthermore, the Spanish company announces the launch of its special promotions for Black Friday. And this, until November 27, 2023. Iberia’s new offer concerns round-trip travel, scheduled until May 30, 2024.
On its booking site and as part of its round-trip offer, Iberia displays its travel tickets between these destinations from 299 euros per journey and per person in economy class. The flights affected by this rate are scheduled for the dates from December 10, 2023.
On the other hand, passengers who wish to travel in this month of November, Iberia’s offer offers tickets at price of 321 euros, the price of a single trip. Although the number of seats is very limited, other tickets are available at a price of 400 and 500 euros.
Round trip prices at Iberia for November 2023
Christmas holidays 2023: when should you book your plane ticket?
THE Christmas and New Year are often the ideal time to travel. But people who are used to traveling during this period continue to denounce the rise in travel ticket prices. But how can you save money this end of year period by planning your trip? the LILIGO search engine answered this question by studying reservations on several destinations.
Indeed, LILIGO has confirmed the existing idea around travel: anticipating the purchase of your tickets can save money and reduce your travel budget. This observation applies to several destinations, notably the most popular for the end-of-year celebrations, dont New York. According to this travel specialist is aaccessible at €574 for a return trip for one person six months before the departure date. 628€ if you book for three months in advance and €664 only one month before.
Which represents an increase of 16% of the price of travel to New York, compared to reservations made six months in advance.
>> Flights to Algeria: Tui Fly announces promotions for winter and summer 2024
>> New promotion for November 2023: London accessible at a reduced price at Air Algérie
2023-11-21 15:39:00
#Algiers #York #flights #Iberia #slashes #prices #Black #Friday