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Alfredo Leuco remembered Cacho Fontana a year after his departure

alfredo leuco he remembered one of his dear colleagues a year after his departure. on your show Radio Miter, the communicator referred to the race of Chub Fontana and he reviewed the life of the announcer who became an emblem for the programs he did and for the commercials to which he gave his particular voice.

To begin, Alfredo Leuco pronounced: “One year has passed since the death of the admired Cacho Fontana. And yesterday, it was one year since the death of Liliana Caldini. Perhaps the strength of Cacho Fontana’s heart did not resist that last thrust. The disappearance, at the age of 70, of Liliana Caldini, one of the loves of his life and the mother of his twins Ludmila and Antonella. Maybe he couldn’t take so much pain and, Cacho, he also let himself die. Maybe he went to meet her.

“Cacho Fontana, may he rest in peace and microphones, was very well cared for and loved by his daughters and grandchildren, Lucas and Joaquín. All of us who love the radio and earn a living with his trades, today we should embrace each other in memory of one year after his departure and thank this true monument to the media, journalism and locution, ”he added. .

Later, Alfredo Leuco took a tour of the life of the communicator: On April 23, 1932, Cacho Fontana was born for the first time. His name was Norberto Palese. His father earned 160 pesos as a foreman of a Belgrano Railroad shed and his mother sewed by machine by the window. The Barracas suburb was his world. He would put on a foot brush, bring it to his mouth and dream of recounting goals like Fioravanti. Annabella, his first girlfriend from Vieytes street… the kid… the corner, respect for Don Adolfo Pedernera and the madness for the machine with the red band. At night, the Palese gave themselves the best of tastes: listening to Luis Sandrini. To laugh and cry as a family”.

And he continued: “One day in 1949, Cacho Fontana was born for the second time. He was already a character invented by Norberto Palese who made his debut presenting the Roberto Padula orchestra at the ‘La Argentina’ hall. He announced the first tango of his life and said: ‘Canaro en Paris…’ he earned 10 pesos per dance. Then came Domingo Federico’s orchestra, the first announcement with that incomparable voice that offered reliability, precision and that said: ‘Finisher Loturco, in Guernica’.

To end his list, the driver added: One day in June 1999, Cacho Fontana was born for the third and last time. He resurrected from the misfortune shot with which he had punished himself. That day of Martín Fierro, he touched the sky with his hands. He was helped by his third and final ex-wife, Liliana Caldini. Her life gave her revenge and Cacho won her the award for her career. He went up trembling with excitement with the live cameras. He looked straight at the 40 rating points and stripped the misery of him. It was the day of forgiveness. He apologized for so many macanas. He swore by his family. He managed to say that he swore before God to turn that trajectory into the future and he broke and broke us all. He covered his face and Cacho Fontana cried inconsolably. And he asked for one more chance. And they all gave it to him.”

emotional farewell

“We did not want a Cacho de Fontana. We wanted him whole, standing, so that he could go out to give a lecture with the hundreds of tones with which he reads the news or the batch. So that once again, with his Gardelian smile, that Fontana minute returns on the air. So that once again he transmits and claims security as only he knows how to do it and it is his trademark. He overcame the damn covid and came out stronger. He had several hospitalizations and recovered. But perhaps his 90-year-old heart did not resist the last blow. He survived Liliana Caldini, whom he loved so much, for a few hours, but he died on top of her to accompany her. He had been born three times. And a year ago he died so as not to leave her love alone. Liliana and Cacho will live forever in media heaven,” said Leuco in closing.

Chub Fontana

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