Home » today » Business » Alfonso Rojo convicted of violating the right to honor of lawyer Boye

Alfonso Rojo convicted of violating the right to honor of lawyer Boye

Madrid, Mar 24 (EFE) .- The Provincial Court of Madrid has condemned Alfonso Rojo and the media he directs, Periodista Digital, to compensate 5,000 euros for illegitimate interference in the honor and in the image of Gonzalo Boye, lawyer, among others, by Carles Puigdemont.

The Madrid Court has partially upheld the appeal presented by Boye himself against the sentence handed down by a Madrid court in the first instance in which he acquitted the defendants.

Now, the court corrects that resolution and, in addition to the compensation, establishes that the journalist and the medium must publish for a week on the cover of their website and on their Twitter and Facebook profiles the header and the operative part of the new judgment.

In the opinion of the Provincial Court, although the lawyer has an undeniable public projection and although it is true that he was convicted of the kidnapping of Emiliano Revilla by ETA, the continuous references to that sentence in the publications of Periodista Digital and the repeated qualification as “Etarra” or “exetarra” or names such as “unpresentable dangerous”, “element so criminal”, “criminal”, “riffraff” or “dirty and immoral jailer” exceed the limits of freedom of information.

Although it is news of certain public relevance, in this case “the right to honor of the actor must prevail”, because, as established by the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence, journalists “do not have the right to insult, humiliate and mock, not even in the case that the addressee of the insult holds a public position and the insults are carried out on the occasion of controversies of a political nature “.

(c) EFE Agency

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