Alfonso Pisicchio leaves Arti, the regional agency for technology and innovation. Another man of Michele Emiliano who takes a step back in a frantic moment, but he assures: “There is absolutely nothing political. Simply, my aspiration is another, the direction of the Academy of Fine Arts. And since it will be published at the end of the month I fear the ban is incompatible with the role I play.”
The Regional Council has therefore appointed extraordinary commissioner Cosimo Elefanteregional manager, Rtd (Responsible for the transition to digital) of the Puglia Region.
As for the dispute of recent days between the two candidates – Michele Laforgia e Vito Leccese – the leader of Senso Civico assures that he remained a “spectator”, waiting to understand what the coalition decides. Sense civic is part of the grouping of centrist civic forces that has not yet officially expressed its opinion on the choice of candidate.
Elections in Bari, the games reopen: Laforgia steps aside. But Conte confirms it. And Leccese remains on the field
by Davide Carlucci and Ernesto Ferrara

“We had started a dialogue between us but each with his own autonomy. We will hear the hypothesis of the third name, the important thing is that we go together”.
In 2020, the name of Pisicchio, at the time regional councilor for urban planning, was entered in the register of suspects as part of an investigation into hiring in exchange for votes. It was Pisicchio himself who announced it, having been served with a notice of warranty. The Bari financial police carried out searches on entrepreneurs and public officials: loans worth 50 million were allegedly disbursed through false policies.
Jobs in exchange for votes, Pisicchio intercepted: he was talking about hiring in subsidiaries

Along with Pisicchio, 10 other people are being investigated in the investigation: among them also a manager of the Taxes sector of the Municipality of Bari and an official from the Region.
And in the climate of change, after the resignation of the Transport Councilor Anita Maurodoinoia involved in the investigation into the vote swap that led to the arrest of her husband Sandro Cataldo, another shock arrives in the Apulian centre-left majority: Giuseppe Tupputigroup leader of “Con”, the movement promoted by governor Michele Emiliano, has resigned.
“I wanted to be the first to give you this news – he announces – I have just resigned as group leader of Con Emiliano. In this political moment it is essential to stop and make reflections in everyone’s interest. I consider this step backwards necessary to address in the best way the challenges that await the future of our Region. I hope that my decision can serve as an example and we will proceed with the elimination of all top roles within the Puglia Region”.
But in addition to denying a political interpretation of his gesture, Pisicchio rejects “any conspiracy theory, which I imagine will abound in the coming days, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they have been months of extraordinary commitment and beauty: I had the opportunity to meet and discuss on the themes of technological innovation and entrepreneurship with many interesting realities, promoted by trained and passionate young women and men”.
And meanwhile the regional councilors of Forza Italia, in a note, attack: “Arti is a strategic agency and Pisicchio is a trusted man of President Emiliano: we would like clarity because the people of Puglia have the right to know”.
#Alfonso #Pisicchio #resigns #Emilianos #loyalist #takes #step #Arti #Involved #voteswapping #investigation
– 2024-05-07 16:31:54