Home » today » News » Alfonso Harb: Isidro Romero speaks for speaking; in my administration, Barcelona did not get into a single dollar | National Championship | sports

Alfonso Harb: Isidro Romero speaks for speaking; in my administration, Barcelona did not get into a single dollar | National Championship | sports

Alfonso Harb, former president of Barcelona SC, responded to the statements of Isidro Romero on Friday to the Guayaquil radio station Caravana, where he assured that during the Harb presidency (2011) the debt also increased, which would be $ 51 624 789 million.

“‘Pocho’ (Alfonso) Harb (president one semester after Maruri’s resignation on December 22, 2010) appeared and the debt increased by $ 5 million. Then Noboa (Antonio, principal, arrived between June 11, 2011 and the October 26, 2015) that of $ 20 million indebted Barcelona at $ 35 million, “said Romero during his speech, assuring that the economic debacle began during the presidency of Maruri.

However, Harb points out that Romero’s problem is that “he speaks for speaking” and “he wants to show everything.”

“I appreciate Ing. Romero, but he speaks for speaking without foundation or endorsement. I have the same audit by the same firm (PKF), closed in mid-2011, so I can show him that it is absurd to say that in My period in Barcelona was indebted to $ 5 million, “‘Pocho’ assured EL UNIVERSO.

In addition, he adds that despite assuming the club with $ 2,500 in banks, without income from TV rights and without income from the main sponsor of the shirt, his administration “did not get into debt with a single dollar.”

“What is painful, is that in just 8 years the debt has risen 150% of all its accumulated history until 2011,” he concludes.

Read Alfonso Harb’s full response -sent to this Journal- on Isidro Romero’s statements:

I appreciate Ing. Isidro Romero, but his problem is that he wants to do a show about everything and he talks for the sake of it, without any basis or support. I have the audit of the same firm, PKF, closed in mid-2011, so I can show you that it is absurd to say that in my period Barcelona borrowed $ 5 million. I can provide documented assurance that in my 6-month transition, the club did not borrow a single dollar, despite having assumed with just $ 2,500 in banks, with no income from television rights or the main sponsorship of the shirt, whose funds were previously used by the club. It was the only administration that published the flow of income and expenses weekly, we did not obtain any bank or extra-bank credit, nor was there any subsequent demand from any player or DT.

Barcelona in mid-2011, had a debt of 20 187 billion dollars of its accumulated history, of which almost $ 3.4 billion were with the SRI of previous years, including those of Ing. Romero, accounts and documents payable from $ 11.517 billion, from a series of compensation to players, DTs from the late 90s and first decade of 2000, among whom were also players from the Romero era of 2005 and 2006. I remember that in early 2011 When I hosted foreign players at the Hotel Guayaquil through an advertising swap, as soon as they arrived, I had to pay a few consumptions from Barcelona in 1994, which was the time when Isidro was president. In addition, there were more than 4 million in short-term obligations payable that were products of debts with players and coaches ordered in a sentence by FIFA some years ago. As much as I appreciate Isidro (Romero), I will not allow him to speak for speaking, if he has an audit in hand, at least take the trouble to read it and speak with reason, because I do have it and I rub the numbers on his face. In Caravan he said that after him came Maruri, then Roggiero (+) and then me. Who even replaced him is no longer well remembered, because when he left the team from Spain, the one who took over was Galo (Roggiero). You should eat sardine to refresh your memory and read a little not to mention outrageous.

What is painful, is that in just 8 years the debt has risen 150% of all its historical accumulated until 2011.


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