Home » today » Sport » Alfonso Arús is amazed to know why Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez’s children do not go to school in Portugal

Alfonso Arús is amazed to know why Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez’s children do not go to school in Portugal

Tatiana Arús explains in the main video of this news the possible reason why the children of Cristiano Ronaldo y Georgina Rodriguez are not yet enrolled in school in Portugal: “They had been interested in St. Julian’s, one of the most elite schools near Lisbon that costs between 11,000 and 20,000 euros, and apparently a group of parents had been unhappy with the children’s enrolment at the school.”

“It already happened with Madonna’s son”explains the collaborator on the set of Aruser@s, where she details that the parents were opposed to the registration of the singer’s son arguing that it was for the safety of their own children in front of the press. “Finally, Madonna registered the child, the press was there for two days and they stopped,” explains Tatiana Arús on the set, where Alfonso Arús answers: “The press knows that when there are minors, it cannot photograph them.”

“Friends or colleagues of the children of celebrities come and go as if nothing happened,” insists the presenter of Aruser@s on the set, where he insists that there is no greater interest in photographing the children of Georgina and Cristiano Ronaldo: “We have them even in the soup.”

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