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Alexey Chertkov had access to state secrets: details of the disappearance

The missing Chief of Staff of the Odessa Naval Guard Detachment State border services Alexey Chertkov could return to the occupied Crimea, which he left in 2014. The man could take with him the secret information that he possessed at the place of work.

About this in an interview TSN said the head of the main investigation department of the National Police Maxim Tsutskiridze. According to him, the border guard moved to Odessa after the occupation of Crimea and had access to classified information.

“This citizen was not the last person of his own structure. That is he had access to some state secret, therefore, it was the law enforcement officers and the Security Service that were also involved in the joint investigative-operational group, “Tsutskiridze says.

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According to him, the investigation considers the return of the border guard to Crimea as one of the versions his disappearance. Other versions include personal life and professional activities.

In addition, it is noted that the last six months Chertkov borrowed significant amounts of fundssomewhere around $ 10,000. The day before his disappearance, the police recorded that he was in a casino and lost a significant amount. The officer was last recorded by a street camera late in the evening of the same day he disappeared – on June 1. He had a tactical bag with him, in which he collected a minimum of personal documents.

As reported OBOZREVATEL:

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