Home » World » Alexandroupolis: The 42-year-old who was severely beaten in a club in Feres has died – 2024-08-23 20:56:02

Alexandroupolis: The 42-year-old who was severely beaten in a club in Feres has died – 2024-08-23 20:56:02

The 42-year-old ended up being brutally beaten by an 18-year-old in a club in Feres, in Alexandroupolis. The incident had taken place in the early hours of the fifteenth of August.

The unfortunate man passed away after five days of hospitalization at the University General Hospital of Alexandroupoli. The ex-Soviet expatriate was a father of 4 children and had been clinically dead for the past few days, while being kept alive by mechanical support.

The 42-year-old was taken to the hospital with brain injuries, after the 18-year-old doorman of the club and an expert in martial arts, threw him to the ground. Despite neurosurgery, doctors were pessimistic about his health, as his condition remained critical.

The perpetrators of the attack

The 42-year-old was brutally beaten by the shop’s 18-year-old doorman and a 47-year-old patron, who were arrested after the incident. They were charged with causing grievous bodily harm and were held at the local police station until Monday 19 August. From there they were taken to the investigator and released after their confession.

The main accused is the young employee of the club, for this reason he is free with restrictive conditions. He had surrendered to the police voluntarily. The investigator and the prosecutor did not impose a temporary detention, as the 18-year-old has a clean criminal record, while at the same time he is a teenager.

It is most likely that after the death of the 42-year-old, the charge of grievous bodily harm will change.

The 47-year-old was released without restrictive conditions, as after the fierce altercation with the victim, he did not cause him serious injury.

The time

According to information, an accident caused by the 42-year-old at the club was the reason for the fierce fight. The friends of the victim, of course, said that the reasons are a misunderstanding that had preceded it some time ago.

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