Alexandre Vendé now wishes offer its services in BtoB. It therefore targets travel agencies, receptives, TOs, or even reservation centers with agency networks.
“I am positive because the concept is popular. We are in the process of signing with large online agencies and reservation centers …”, he tells us.
He developed original concepts like “Welcome to New York”, where a guide comes to the airport to greet travelers in order to explain to them the habits and customs of the city.
It offers shootings photo At a good price. “It works like a charm!” he declares. Travelers will be able to leave with a hundred photos taken in strategic locations in New York. It will cost 140 euros for a shoot for 2.
It also offers tailor-made cruises, working with French or French-speaking providers, but also a food tour.
And little novelty, a treasure hunt in New York, to be able to discover the city in a fun and original way with puzzles giving cultural information.
Alexander’s greatest strength this is his blog. He realises a turnover of 400,000 euros per year through affiliations and he is known by the general public for his expertise on the destination.
He does not intend to stop his blog, but to develop his activities of guided tours.
“I went to the other side. I now work with bloggers, offering them affiliations on my site”, he smiles.
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