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Alexander Spirdonov: Conformism of the native intelligentsia

/Pogled.info/ Recently, I have been living with the dream of Ivo Siromakhov – the modern symbiosis between Atanas Burov, Radoj Ralin and Petko Bocharov – to write a sequel to the genius masterpiece “Bai Tosho”, in which he will tell us about the social context. To describe to us what they make a living from and what are the ideological beliefs of the Bulgarian intellectual and journalistic “elite”, from Evgeni Dainov to Tsvetanka Rizova.

What will the Bulgarian historians write and say? Will they, like today, in a particularly coy manner, say from the TV channels that the Third of March is “actually an imaginary holiday” and is a “problem date”? Or will they talk about the “insidious role of Russia” and the “categorical help of France and Great Britain” on the Sixth of September (I am reproducing almost verbatim the repulsive words from the television air today)?

And when will they remind us what they did before 1989? Even if they were too young to write textbooks and books (because some of today’s leaders in Russophobia practiced their pen before 1989, and whoever is not lazy can make sure of their consistency and scientific sincerity), according to what textbooks studied and above all what did their parents do? When did the eternal, Gnostic truths dawn?

A novel on an alternative-historical theme, which examines the lives of such characters, would be extremely interesting, but I leave it to the imagination of the modern Balzac – Ivo Siromakhov. Today’s holiday unfortunately carries the heavy burden of absurd stupidity and sterility, which has even infected, God forbid, our intellectual elite. No need to convince anyone – we live in such a time that with any attempt to nuance or refute mainstream “truths”, accusations of all possible crimes (on top of which, of course, Putinism stands) are instant and final.

But I still wish to mention that the official attitude of Great Britain towards our Union is largely expressed in the well-known pamphlet “Bulgarians as they are”, in which you will read that the Bulgarians were “barbarian invaders” who were fortunately subdued from the Turks. You will also read that the Bulgarian national liberation movement was sponsored and encouraged by Russia in order to strengthen its imperial influence on the Balkan Peninsula, and you will also read that the Bulgarians massacred tens of thousands of Turks and raped their women during the Russian- the Turkish Liberation War (I apologize for the outdated and politically incorrect name of this conflict, which ends with an imaginary holiday and a problematic date).

The crux of the matter is that the Unification of Bulgaria is seen as the formation of a Great Bulgarian state, which will be the approach of the Russian emperor to Constantinople and the straits. To whom it is read – I will attach excerpts from the brochure. The so-called support by France and Great Britain to the Union of the Principality of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia, as well as the ambivalent attitude of Russia to United Bulgaria must be read through the lens of the imperial interests of the great powers of the Balkans. Great Britain’s attitude towards Bulgaria has never changed – there are no eternal friends, but eternal interests. That is precisely why the Treacherous Albion, as the French and Spanish call Great Britain, through William White correctly reported the relations between Bulgaria and Russia in 1885 and personally between Prince Alexander I of Bulgaria and the Russian Emperor Alexander III. The problem is that an idealistic and ideological reading of events invariably falls into a situation where it defines history as a dialectic between absolute good and absolute evil, and these are theological, religious categories that have no place in historical analysis.

In the misguided minds of our pishman elite, who daily venture on television and explain to us how simple we are for wanting the Third of March as a national holiday, and how simple we are to consider Russia a liberator, things are black and white. They do not distinguish between Gorchakov and Girs, between Alexander II and Alexander III, and even between the Russian Empire and the USSR. For them, the historical truth is eternal and unchanging – the Russians are drunken barbarians who want to enslave us, and the “Westerners” (whatever that means) are the bearers of true freedom and democracy for Bulgaria.

Which westerners? McGahan or Disraeli? Gladstone or Stanislas Sinclair? Hugo or Churchill?

It is a pity that this ugly Manichaeism has penetrated even the universities. We were already used to the media. Unfortunately, our people will apparently always bear the burden of tearing down monuments and renaming streets. From Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler boulevards, to Vladimir Lenin boulevard, to (God forbid) Joe Biden or Volodymyr Zelensky boulevards. And whenever the streets are renamed and when the old monuments are demolished, the Bulgarian historians and journalists will stand in the first row to applaud and cheer in pub style, until 2-3 decades have passed, when they will again wonder how to repaint and blur their past.

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