Home » today » World » Alexander Dugin: Macron descends into Hell – 2024-08-24 10:09:14

Alexander Dugin: Macron descends into Hell – 2024-08-24 10:09:14

/ world today news/ Looking at the violent behavior of the angry French on the streets, especially if you see it for the first time, the thought immediately comes: here it is, the revolution! The power will not last! France is over. The government will fall.

And it doesn’t matter who is rebelling this time – Arab and African teenagers from the suburbs, populist “yellow vests”, disaffected farmers, supporters of sexual minorities, opponents of sexual minorities and, on the contrary, defenders of family and traditional values, nationalists, anti-fascists, anarchists , students, pensioners, cyclists, animal advocates, trade union workers (CGT), environmentalists or pensioners. There are crowds of them – thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions.

They fill the streets of French cities, stop traffic, block stations and airports, declare autonomy in individual institutions and schools, burn gasoline, overturn cars, shout wildly, wave banners and rush to bite the policemen.

And then … they calm down, come to their senses, take pills and go to work again, at lunch they noisily discuss prices, life, neighbors and politics in small cozy restaurants, where they shout again, but much more quietly, and they go home.

After 1968, even the most massive multi-million dollar protests had no effect. The result is zero. Always and under all circumstances. If you know France better, you understand that it is simply a nation of psychopaths.

And it’s not all because of the migrants. The French authorities don’t care about the migrants, and they don’t care about the ordinary native French. And from this complete icy indifference, the migrants in turn become psychopaths. This is a new form of social integration: he came to the civilization of psychopaths and became the same.

Jean Baudrillard thought the French were a nation of complete idiots. According to him, they don’t understand anything about art and throng the Musée Beaubourg by the thousands, only for it to collapse one day under the weight of these idiots. Internal frenzy and regular hysterical fits replace both culture and politics for the French.

If General de Gaulle had known his people better, in 1968 he would not have paid attention to the atrocities that the left were committing in the streets. After a while they would just fall apart. And he took it seriously. After him, none of the presidents repeated such a mistake.

Whatever happens on the streets, as well as in the economy, politics, society, finance, the French authorities always remain calm. And with full control over the press.

Régi Debré, an adviser to Mitterrand, admitted that during all the terms of the nominally left-wing Mitterrand’s presidency, he and his boss failed to achieve absolutely anything they had planned, as each time their initiatives met with invisible resistance.

And being at the very top of power, neither Debre himself nor Mitterrand understand where this opposition comes from. Only later did Debre realize it was the press. The press for France is everything. And the psychopaths on the street, that is, the population, are nothing.

When Macron was first elected and the right-wing – and much more rational – Marine Le Pen had good prospects, the influential Liberation newspaper ran the headline “Do what you want, but vote for Macron!” Very French.

Right, left, pro-immigration, anti-immigration, pro-tax, anti-tax, it doesn’t matter. Vote and that’s it. For Macron. This is a non-negotiable order. And the voter bears no responsibility after the act of voting. And Macron does not tolerate, why should he.

Macron was hated in his first term. I don’t remember why. Apparently because of everything. But they chose him again. It’s the French. Russians are believed to be unpredictable – and that’s crazy. The French are predictable, but this is madness.

Picking a complete loser the second time around… Who in their right mind would do that? But they chose and immediately started protesting again, tearing down, burning cars and smashing shop windows. You remember Baudrillard: the French are idiots, but Macron is also French. So the balance is struck.

So, the scale of the current riots, the unbridled immigrant teenage hordes (Macron suggested they were just playing too much computer games), the downturn in the economy, the higher interest rates on government bonds, the recession, the disruption of the holiday season, the huge losses from vandalism. it must not deceive us: the French have a fit.

Macron will do nothing. But he never did anything. He will speak in favor of the environment, meet with Greta Thunberg just in case, send a train or two of weapons to Ukraine, pay fabulous sums of money to a branded but totally ineffective United States PR group connected to the CIA, talk on the phone with Scholz, go to a gay disco, look in the mirror.

Then he will look in the mirror again. It will be looked at and everything will be arranged. That’s how it always happened. It’s not an apocalypse, it’s not the end of the world. It’s just France.

It remains to admit one thing: the apocalypse in this once very attractive and stylish country has already occurred. And now, on its flooded streets, who knows who is manifesting a mass hallucination.

Is there anyone willing or able to make a difference? If you carefully examine the French culture of the XIX-XX centuries, the conclusion is unequivocal: the French spirit, like Orpheus (for example, Cocteau or Blanchot), wanted only one thing – to descend as low as possible into hell. Well, he did. And it is irreversible.

How much longer can this go on? Beautiful France, the greatest daughter of the Church, as the Catholics called her in the era of the brilliant Middle Ages, irretrievably turned into a dump – from the soul to the streets and suburbs. Notre Dame burned down. All paintings and sculptures that could spoil the mood of immigrants and feminists were removed from the Louvre.

Only Macron and his mirror remained. Like in Jean Cocteau’s play “Orpheus” with stage design by Jean Hugo and costumes by Coco Chanel.

Translation: SM

MARCH FOR PEACE: Given that The march for peace and sovereignty is organized with two beams, iand those for whom it will be difficult and far to go before the MFA, we invite you again in front of the pylons of the NDK on July 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the “Meeting for peace, against the involvement of Bulgaria in war”. The two beams will merge in front of the National Assembly.

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#Alexander #Dugin #Macron #descends #Hell

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