<img width="1110" title="Van Halen: Alex reveals tensions between <a href="http://www.world-today-news.com/guitarist-eddie-van-halen-65-passed-away/" title="Guitarist Eddie Van Halen (65) passed away”>David Lee Roth and Eddie” class=”img-fluid not_lzld mb-3″ src=”https://virginradio.fr/media/news/thumb/1110x624_van-halen-alex-revele-les-tensions-entre-david-lee-roth-et-eddie_671d2be154c01.webp” alt=”Van Halen: Alex reveals tensions between David Lee Roth and Eddie” itemprop=”image” height=”624″/>
The situation became untenable in 1984.
In a series of recent statements, Alex Van Halenemblematic drummer of the group Van Halen, lifted the veil on the tensions that led to the departure of singer David Lee Roth. These revelations shed new light on one of the most significant separations in rock history.
According to Alex Van Halen, the growing popularity of his brother Eddiethe group’s virtuoso guitarist, was reportedly a major source of friction with David Lee Roth. The drummer claims that Roth, unable to stand being overshadowed by Eddie’s talent, even asked the latter to reduce the number of his guitar solos.
Alcohol problems seem to have played a significant role in the deterioration of relations between the members of the group. David Lee Roth recently opened up about Alex Van Halen’s drinking habits, saying he drank “between two and six six-packs of Schlitz malt beers per day.”
The situation became untenable upon the release of the album 1984, one of Van Halen’s biggest commercial successes. Tensions between David Lee Roth and the Van Halen brothers have reached a fever pitchultimately leading to the singer’s departure in 1985.
Alex Van Halen describes this event as “one of the most disappointing things” that he lived, marking according to him the end of the “real Van Halen”. Despite the conflicts, Alex Van Halen recognizes the importance of David Lee Roth in the success of the group.