Rocco Tank was “blocked” on Twitter by Alessandro Gassmann. A gesture, that of the actor, which left the historic keyboardist of Elio e le Storie Tese dumbfounded: “Does anyone know Alessandrone Gassman and ask him if he unblocks me?”, He writes in a post published on social media.

“I didn’t do anything to him except when he came out Leo Gassman at Sanremo 2020 that I wrote ‘This wins’ (and it won) and it blocked me”, adds Rocco Tanica. Who then comments with a joke: “It’s not fair, I also like tuna”, he tweets referring to the advertisement for a well-known brand of canned tuna for which the actor acted as testimonial.To accompany the twitter, what looks and is a screenshot but modified with the profile photo of Alessandro Gassman, who in reality is not smiling like that of Rocco Tanica.

That’s it. Rocco Tanica is not the only one to have been blocked on Twitter by Alessandro Gassman. Which seems to be one that “blocks” even for no apparent good reason. Some users therefore offer an explanation to the keyboardist of Elio e le Storie tese: “It’s not that in the past you made irony about the surname, perhaps comparing it to a superhero who fights the wicked with mephitic flatulence: Gas Man?”.