Home » today » Entertainment » Alessandro Basciano and Sophie Codegoni, night together with Gf Vip / E betrays Jessica …

Alessandro Basciano and Sophie Codegoni, night together with Gf Vip / E betrays Jessica …

Alessandro Basciano e Sophie codegoni they spent the night together in the house of the Big Brother Vip. Initially the newcomer had approached Soleil Rises, who, however, gave him a two of spades, not believing in his good faith. On the contrary, the model and former tronista does not seem to disdain her attentions, despite the fact that before her entry she was in intimacy with Gianmaria Antinolfi.

The two, as shown during the live broadcast and as reported by Biccy, they were in bed under the covers together until 6 in the morning, exchanging not a few cuddles. Caresses, scratches and a few sighs. The kiss seems to have not been there, but it was very close. The situation now appears to be at a turning point. Sophie codegoni, before moving forward, however, will have to contend with Jessica Selassiè, to whom he had made a promise, which now appears almost completely broken.

Alessandro Basciano and Sophie Codegoni, night together with Gf Vip. And the promise to Jessica Selassie?

Also Jessica Selassiè since the entry of Alessandro Basciano in the house of Big Brother Vip she has shown interest, even though her character often leads her to stay one step behind Soleil Rises e Sophie codegoni. With the latter, with whom she is very friendly, she had spoken directly about the feeling she has towards the former tempter. The model had reassured her as follows: “I don’t care Alessandro, I told him that for me there can be nothing because I also think of you and Gianmaria. We just played pool, I’m not going to do anything else now. For me, my friends come first ”.

The night spent together by Alessandro Basciano e Sophie codegoni therefore seems to have definitively broken the promise made to Jessica Selassiè, which no doubt will not take it well. In the past, the Princess had directly accused her friend of being a “bitch” because she was flirting with the newcomer even though she never admitted to having an interest in him. Now there may have been the straw that will break the camel’s back.


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