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Alessandro Baricco married his partner Gloria Campaner

Soap bubbles, a small bouquet of white and yellow flowers. The notes of a trombone resound at the exit of the municipality of Moncalierion the outskirts of Turin, where last Saturday 16 December the writer Alessandro Baricco he married the pianist Gloria Bell.

An intimate ceremony, with only seven guests, but full of feeling. “We have felt like one for a long time – they say – this gesture has honored our promise”. The news of the wedding was given by Vanity Fair, which publishes photographs of the wedding.

A love that blossomed after a long epistolary courtship. Campaner and Baricco had met at the Beauty Festival in Verona. When they get together she decides to move to Turin. In 2022 the writer announced that he was suffering from a serious form of leukemia: Baricco underwent a marrow transplant thanks to the donation of his sister Enrica. But the operation was not enough, and in 2023 the Turin writer had a second transplant.

“By getting married – said Campaner – we gave ourselves a gift after a year of difficult trials for Alessandro’s health, we had fear and trust together and in the end what I think is: Love is the only answer”. The new novel by the writer, Abel, was dedicated to the pianist. Last Saturday was the wedding day. Discreet, reserved, caressed by the December sun.

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– 2024-04-28 13:57:13

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