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Alès: days to develop a taste for science and discovery

Exhibitions, conferences, workshops, debates and round tables are on the program for the 30th science festival, which takes place in the Alésian basin at the beginning of October.

The emotion of discovery. This is the theme of the 30th National Science Day, in which, as every year, the Agglo d’Alès will take part in early October, mainly on Wednesday 6 and Saturday 9.

A meeting place for the popularization of science, the transmission of scientific culture, and more generally open-mindedness, this festival will offer 22 events within the Rochebelle Cultural Pole, in conjunction with a multitude of partners (Eurêk’Alès, The Cévennes star, the IMT Mines, Itinérances, the Cévennes Academy, the Verrerie or even the CPIE …).

Science within everyone’s reach

Around exhibitions, activities, circus, conferences, workshops, film screenings, these different actors invite young and old to embark on the scientific adventure.

Topics as varied as astronomy, climate change, the sun, energy or light, will be discussed. “It’s a very busy week, ensures the mayor Max Roustan, present Tuesday to present the party. We focus on youth. The Cultural Pole, I imagined it to bring emotions to the discovery. We make science accessible to everyone. “

“A highlight” for IMT Mines Alès

An important player in the event, IMT Mines Alès alone offers around ten meetings. “A highlight for our establishment, claims Pierre Perdiguier, the acting director of the engineering school. We are in a process of transmitting scientific culture to young people. We want to show that we are not only training engineers at IMT Mines, but that we are involved in the region. “

The engineering school will offer workshops (October 5), conferences (4, 5 and 7) and games (5), in the presence of teacher-researchers, for schoolchildren. A visit to the school’s Creativity Hub is also offered on the 6th, as well as an original presentation of the theses of IMT Mines students in 180 seconds, on the 7th (see opposite). A perilous exercise, but an effective way of making science accessible to everyone.

Theses in three minutes flat

This is one of the highlights of this 30th edition. On the afternoon of Thursday, October 7, the competition for the presentation of the theses of IMT Mines students in 180 seconds will be held. In three minutes, applicants will be expected to present their research topic in simple and convincing terms. A truly virtuoso exercise in the fields of innovative materials and civil engineering, environmental protection, risk prevention, artificial intelligence and IT. The key for doctoral students is a general public prize and three scientific prizes. A session reserved for schoolchildren, but broadcast live (2 p.m.) for the general public on the Youtube channel of IMT Mines Alès.

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