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Alerts regarding the adverse effects of crossing one leg over another when seated

Although many feel comfortable when sitting and placing one leg on the other, experts confirm that the harms involved in this movement are very great for human health.

According to the “science alert” website, research shows that sitting in this way can increase the deviation of the hip bones, as one is higher than the other.

Sitting and cross-legged also changes the speed at which blood moves through the blood vessels in the lower extremities, which can increase the risk of blood clots.

Most research suggests that sitting this way increases blood pressure because it collects in your veins and your heart has to work harder to relieve it, which can lead to an increased risk of damage to your blood vessels.

Anatomy experts also confirm that the longer you sit this way, the higher the odds of long-term changes in muscle lengths.

Because of the way the skeletal system is connected, sitting cross-legged can cause imbalances in the spine and shoulders.

It is also possible to get a defect in the position of the head due to changes in the bones of the neck.

Sitting for a long time in this way increases the possibility of lateral tilt in the spine or what is known as “scoliosis” and other deformities.

There is also evidence that this way of sitting can affect sperm production and quality, as it raises the temperature of the testicles.

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