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Alert! These Are the Side Effects of Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines

INDONESIAN EYE, JAKARTA – Vaccines Pfizer It has been used by many countries which is believed to be effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19. However, there are still side effects.

When it comes to the Pfizer vaccine, it would be incomplete without the Moderna vaccine because the method is similar. Both of these vaccines use mRNA technology that had been developed to prevent other infectious diseases before COVID-19 spread.

Although fairly effective, there are some side effects of the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine that you need to be aware of if you plan to get one.

Quoted from Halodoc, Tuesday 28 June 2021, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are types of vaccines that use the mRNA method. This type of vaccine serves to provide the body with genetic information to produce viral or bacterial proteins, including spike proteins found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2.

This protein triggers an immune response and the production of specific antibodies, so that the body is ready to fight off infection from the cause of the disease.

This vaccine only carries the information needed to make a small part of the virus. Unlike most vaccines, this type does not contain the coronavirus and cannot cause a person to contract COVID-19.

Enzymes in the body’s cells rapidly degrade the mRNA molecules in the vaccine after the spike protein occurs. Vaccines that enter the body cannot change the existing genetic information.

Although it is considered effective, it does not mean that there are no side effects from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines after being injected. Quoted from the Food and Drug Administration, in the United States, these two vaccines can cause some common side effects, including:

1. Feeling tired
2. Headache
3. Pain in muscles and/or joints
4. Body feels cold
5. Nausea and vomiting
6. Fever

Clinical trials have found these side effects to occur more frequently after the second dose and last about 2–3 days. Recipients of this vaccine have also reported experiencing reactions to the areas of the body that were injected, such as:

1. Painful feeling
2. Swelling
3. Swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit
4. Redness

Among recipients of the mRNA vaccine, there is a report that side effects occur more frequently in people who receive the Moderna vaccine. One study noted that after the second dose, about 82 percent of Moderna vaccine recipients reported a reaction at the injection site compared to 69 percent of Pfizer vaccine recipients.

On the other hand, it is mentioned that there are also side effects of the Pfizer vaccine that can be dangerous. One of the problems that can occur and is being discussed a lot is heart inflammation.

Recipients of this vaccine can experience impaired myocarditis or pericarditis, which has recorded more than 1,200 cases as of June 11, 2021, from about 300 million doses that have been distributed.

When viewed from the percentage of recipients with harmful side effects that occur, this number is relatively small. Even so, studies continue to be carried out to take appropriate action so that harmful side effects do not occur again.

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