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Alert! Stomach Cancer Difficult to Detect

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COMGastric cancer is the fourth largest cancer in the world. In Indonesia, cases are rare, but people still have to be vigilant.

Chairman of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation Prof. DR dr Aru Sudoyo, SpPD, KHOM, FINASIM, FACP said, gastric cancer caused by the presence of cancer cells that grow in the stomach and become tumors. These cells then slowly grow again over the years. Sufferers gastric cancer himself is usually 60-80 years old.

“At first, gastric cancer often mistaken for common heartburn so that most patients arrive late and are already at an advanced stage, “said Prof. Aru in the webinar” Current Lifestyle: Alert Gastric Cancer Stalking You! “On Wednesday (10/2).

The professor who practices at RSCM says the symptoms are from gastric cancer it is difficult to detect, because the average is like an ordinary stomach ulcer. However, if handled late it can cause death. Some of the common symptoms of gastric cancer among them decreased appetite, heartburn, abdominal pain, anemia, nausea, drastic weight loss, and vomiting with or without blood.

“The symptoms are almost all the same, only if we have symptoms that do not go away, for example three months of treatment for heartburn does not go away, so we have to ask the doctor to investigate further,” said Prof. Aru.

According to 2020 GLOBOCAN data, the incidence rate gastric cancer in the world in 2020 there were more than 1 million cases, namely 369,580 cases in women and 719,523 cases in men. Triggers gastric cancer 5-10 percent is caused by genetics 90-95 percent is more due to environmental factors which include diet (30-35 percent), smoking (25-30 percent), infection (15-20 percent), obesity (10-20 percent), alcohol (4-6 percent) and others (10-15 percent).

Several things can also increase the risk gastric cancer, including Helicobactor pylori bacteria, intestinal metaplasia, chronic atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, or gastric polyps and processed or salted foods.

“This (gastric cancer) it is not in the top 10 in Indonesia but it is difficult to detect, the treatment is difficult and expensive, be careful, smoking and excessive salt are important factors. gastric cancer, “said Aru.

This news is the result of collaboration between Ayo Media Network and Republika.co.id.

The content of the writing is outside the responsibility of Ayo Media Network.

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