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Alert! It’s an invasion of ticks and mosquitoes

You are also afraid to go for a walk in nature, so as not to “pick” a tick from the grass! Hundreds of people have reached the doctor with ticks stuck in the skin in the last month, and the most serious problem is the fact that two people from Buzau County have been confirmed Lyme disease, a disease transmitted by ticks. Fortunately, both are fine now, after receiving adequate treatment, according to epidemiologist Carmen Scântei, from the Buzau Public Health Directorate.

However, Lyme disease can be very dangerous to humans, say experts. “Lyme causes severe heart or neurological disorders. The symptoms appear a few days after the bite and are similar to those of the flu. These can be complicated, however, and can lead to facial paralysis or very serious heart problems. In advanced stage, severe neurological disorders appear. If it is discovered in time, the disease can be treated with antibiotics “, explained Prof. Dr. Emanoil Ceauşu, infectionist at the” Victor Babeş “Hospital in the Capital. According to him, however, not all ticks are infected, which means that not all transmit this virus. “In addition, people need to know that a tick transmits the virus only if it stays in the skin for more than 24 hours. Otherwise, the risk is very small “, added the specialist. Prof. Ceauşu also says that “if a person is bitten by a tick, he must be careful to remove the insect from the skin with his head. Use tweezers or that special noose. If the insect’s head remains in the skin, the area can become infected, so you must go to the doctor. But the insect can no longer transmit parasites.

But not only ticks have invaded us, but mosquitoes, other insects that can be dangerous to health. “Apart from the fact that mosquitoes cause discomfort, some can transmit the West Nile virus. “It simply came to our notice then. There must be a source of infection for mosquitoes to transmit West Nile virus. This tank is usually made up of birds, horses and other animals. For example, last year, there were up to ten cases of West Nile “, explained Prof. Dr. Ceauşu. The doctor says that “West Nile virus is a potential trigger for serious conditions, such as meningitis or encephalitis. Their symptoms are high fever, headache, stiff neck, muscle weakness. In severe cases, vision loss, paralysis, coma may occur, “concluded the infection specialist.

Read on Monday how you can protect yourself from mosquitoes and ticks.

A tick lays up to 10,000 eggs

By this time, the tick is already in adulthood. In November-December, they are nymphs and grow only if they suck blood. “You need to know that an adult tick lays up to 10,000 eggs in an evolutionary cycle. The exaggerated multiplication and spread of ticks over larger areas is caused by the multitude of buildings, urban spaces and abandoned lands where ticks develop. They also have enough food: dogs and cats, mice and rats. The local authorities should identify and make permanent disinsections in the areas considered high risk and collect community dogs “, explained Ioan Penţea, a veterinarian with experience in the field. Mosquitoes are just as dangerous as ticks, experts say. “Mosquitoes are dangerous vectors of disease transmission, and more recently mosquitoes have come from North Africa, spreading diseases that did not exist in our country, such as yellow fever, West Nile. Mosquitoes develop in areas with puddles, and in May – September they reach maturity and lay up to 300 eggs each “, said the veterinarian Ioan Penţea. (Marina Dohi)

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