Home » today » News » Alert in New York after recent reports of multiple sexual attacks against women | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Alert in New York after recent reports of multiple sexual attacks against women | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

police foundation, the mta and theunion that brings togethertransportation workersa series of sexual assaultsagainst several women in thebronx has the authoritiesworried, and the womenscared..two assaults occurredrelatively close between i.believe they were committed bythe same man.gary merson talks about theattacks and description ofsuspicious. Also, spoke withan expert onhealth recommendationsmental of the ichthyes.gary: it is a perception that isrepeated in many New Yorkers,too much violence.this young man heard repeatedI have done all or of attackssexual.attacked a 61-year-old womanin full daya man was wantedproperly behaved to awoman in manhattan. alsowe got the pattern from anotheryoung man who committed two misdeedsin the same area of ​​the bronx, of thewhich we captured ideo in acellar and comment. that she doesn’tsurprise.>> a couple of weeks agoI’m not surprised, becausepiece of the bronx is a bitwild.gary: the young man was seen in thesidewalk and was captured by asurveillance camera.as if it were aperson who lives in thissector, the second actcommitted not far from thisneighborhood.less than half a mile, abouteight minutes walking, he committeda second act in one daycompletely different.even though the policeprovides three cases in a fewhours, in 2021 there were 140 and thisyear they dropped to 134.six fewer cases this month.As the number ofvictims, we wanted to investigatesolutions with apsychotherapist andneuroscientist says that oneperson takes up to 20 yearsto reveal your experience.after the abuse, whythey take so long to docomplaint?blame is usuallyfeel guilty that they shouldhave done more so that they don’tthat would have happened.the victim thinks they don’t suit hercreate.have some kind of evidencesupport your case.that’s why they stop.gary: what are the stepsfollowing?go to a place whereperson feel safe.to feel welcomed by otherspersonas.immediately after, go todoctor.gary: where does help come inpsychological and steps?>> immediately one goes to theemergency to do thephysical exam.gary: the psychotherapist insistsin not abandoning the therapies ofone moment to another. if you needassistance and resources, call

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