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Alert! Health quarantine in Mompox townships due to avian flu

Through resolution No.0001610, the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) “declares the villages of Guaimaral, La Lobata, Las Boquillas and San Nicolás in the municipality of Mompox in the department of Bolívar under sanitary quarantine, due to the presentation of an avian influenza outbreak. of high pathogenicity.” Read: Government will invest $240 million for basic sanitation in Mompox

“According to the location of the affected property in the municipality of Mompox, it is necessary to declare the villages of Guaimaral, La Lobata, Las Boquillas and San Nicolás in quarantine, in order to develop prevention, inspection, surveillance and control activities, with “in order to seek to mitigate the risk of spread of the disease object of this resolution,” the resolution reads. You may also be interested in: Presence of avian influenza in backyard birds confirmed in the Atlantic

The ICA, during the health quarantine discussed in this article, will carry out the corresponding epidemiological surveillance in the aforementioned municipality in order to establish the diagnostic methods, as well as the additional sanitary, control and eradication measures that are necessary to maintain the status. of a country self-declared free of the disease, recognized by the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO).

– Intensify biosecurity measures and limit the entry and exit of vehicles, objects and personnel on poultry farms.

– Supervise the control plans for the presence of wild birds and/or pests such as rodents, flies, bedding bugs, among others that are implemented on the properties.

– Temporary suspension of gatherings and events with poultry (trade in market places, chicken challenges, exhibitions and/or poultry exhibitions or competitions), as well as the delivery of birds to beneficiaries in food security programs and/or productive social projects.

Specific health measures in outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza:

– Implement sanitary measures on the property in accordance with the procedures and formats established for this purpose.

– Restrict the entry of people, vehicles and foreign material.

– Do not introduce new birds.

– Control the entry of food and inputs.

– Control entry and exit of equipment, machinery and supplies.

– Restrict the release of chicken manure and/or chicken manure.

– Veterinary doctors/zootechnical veterinary doctors and personnel belonging to the area will not be able to visit any poultry establishment outside the municipality of Ponedera in the department of Atlántico, without compliance with the recommended 72-hour sanitary gaps and the use of biosafety filters, as well as such as appropriate personal protection elements.

Alberto Bernal, Secretary of Health of Bolívar, reported that yesterday the Departmental Zoonoses Committee led by the ICA was held with the participation of different actors.

“It is confirmed that in Mompox a health alert was decreed in four villages or townships where the alert is declared and health actions are organized,” he said.

And he continued: “It is about taking some actions from a veterinary point of view. There is a need to cull most birds that may come into contact with migratory birds. The sanitary fence will be made and the authorities are in charge of that.”

He said that fortunately infections in humans are unusual and rare, however, some cases with mild symptoms have been detected. “With these health measures we are sure that it will be controlled.”

2023-11-24 19:18:20
#Alert #Health #quarantine #Mompox #townships #due #avian #flu

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