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Alert! 5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer Recognize the Signs as early as possible

October is also celebrated as breast cancer awareness month (Breast Cancer Awareness Month). Women, again reminded of the dangers of breast cancer as well as the importance of early detection.

Breast cancer is a growth of malignant cells that grows wild in the breast and can spread to other parts of the body. Although this cancer is most common in women, men can also get breast cancer.

What causes breast cancer is not certain. Although the cause of breast cancer is not yet known, it is important to know that some women are known to have a higher risk than others.

Launch Healthline, women who have a family history of breast cancer, have certain genetic mutations, have had their first menstruation before the age of 12 years, experienced menopause late, and have never been pregnant are known to be more at risk of developing cancer.

Until now, early diagnosis and treatment is still considered the most effective way to cure breast cancer. So don’t ignore this disease, huh, Ladies, because cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body. The sooner you realize the symptoms, the diagnosis and treatment can be done as soon as possible. Take note of the list of breast cancer symptoms described below!

Also Read: 8 Unusual Symptoms of Breast Cancer You Must Know, Don’t Be Careless

1. A lump or thickening in the breast


The early symptoms of breast cancer cannot be seen, but they can be felt. Try to do early detection by checking your own breasts with the help of a mirror and hand. If you feel a lump or thickening, check with your doctor as soon as possible.

According to information from the American Cancer Society, as many as 90 percent of women who make early detection have a much longer chance of living than women who are diagnosed late.

Launching a statement from the Indonesian Breast Cancer Foundation, breast self-examination (BSE) can be done with these steps:

  1. Stand up straight. Pay attention if there are changes in the shape and surface of the breast skin, swelling and / or changes in the nipples. Keep in mind, the shape of the right and left breasts are not exactly the same, and this is nothing to worry about.
  2. Raise your arms up, bend your elbows, and place your hands behind your head. Push your elbows forward and look at the breasts, and push the elbows back and look at the shape and size of the breasts.
  3. Place your hands on your hips, lean your shoulders forward, so that your breasts hang out, and push your elbows forward, then tighten (contract) your chest muscles.
  4. Raise your left arm up, and bend your elbow so that your left hand holds the top of your back. Using the fingertips of the right hand, feel and press the breast area, and look at the entire left breast to the armpit area. Perform up-down movements, circular movements, and straight movements from the edge of the breast to the nipple, and vice versa. Repeat the same movement on the right breast.
  5. Pinch both nipples. Pay attention if there is a discharge from the nipple. Check with your doctor if this happens.
  6. In a lying position, place a pillow under your right shoulder. Raise your arms up. Look at the right breast and do the three movement patterns as before. Using your fingertips, press the entire breast until it is around the armpit.

You are advised to do BSE 7-10 days after menstruation.

2. Fluid comes out of the nipple

Alert!  5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer Recognize the Signs as early as possibleBSE steps, check your own breasts for breast cancer detection. unsplash.com/National Cancer Institute

Discharge from nipples should not be taken lightly, especially if you are not breastfeeding.

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According to research entitled “Nipple Discharge: An Early Warning Sign of Breast Cancer” in International Journal of Preventive Medicine In 2012, discharge from the nipple when not breastfeeding was an early symptom of breast cancer. If you experience this, don’t delay to see a doctor so that further tests can be done.

3. Rash on the breast

Alert!  5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer Recognize the Signs as early as possiblepexels.com/Sharon McCutcheon

Rash or redness in the breast is an early symptom of inflammatory breast cancer. This is a form of breast cancer that aggressively attacks the lymph vessels and skin in the breast.

According to a study entitled “Inflammatory breast cancer: the disease, the biology, the treatment” in the journal CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians In 2010, inflammatory breast cancer did not reveal a lump in the breast. This cancer actually shows signs of redness, warmth, swelling, and itching in the breast.

4. The skin of the breast is flaking and scaly

Alert!  5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer Recognize the Signs as early as possiblepexels.com/Valeria Boltneva

Don’t panic if you find the skin on the breasts peeling and scaly. It can be a sign of breast cancer, but it can also be a symptom of atopic dermatitis, eczema, or other conditions.

Therefore, to be sure, check with a doctor. Later, your doctor may order tests to rule out Paget’s disease. According to research in the journal Frontiers in Surgery In 2017, Paget’s disease was a rare breast cancer symptom showing eczema on the nipples.

5. Swelling around the armpit

Alert!  5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer Recognize the Signs as early as possibleelitebodysculpture.com

The armpit is one area where lymph gland are on. It is in these lymph nodes that the immune system network will work to catch bad cells, viruses, bacteria, and fluids that are harmful to the body.

After attacking the breast, usually cancer cells will invade the lymph node area. Launch Medical News Today, it is not uncommon for the area around the armpit near the breast that is attacked by breast cancer to become swollen.

Come on, pay more attention to the changes that occur in the breasts and the surrounding area. Remember, early BSE detection is a simple step that can save lives. If diagnosed and treated at an early stage, the chances of recovery will be higher.

This article was originally written by Iam_Lathiva on the IDN Times Community with the title 5 symptoms of women experiencing breast cancer, check as early as possible!

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