Home » today » Entertainment » Alena’s horoscope: Libra should be protected from serious conflict, Scorpios should not be angry with ingratitude

Alena’s horoscope: Libra should be protected from serious conflict, Scorpios should not be angry with ingratitude


Dating, even business, arranged by colleagues through a meeting at your workplace can be frustrating. Don’t give in to risky investment offers if you don’t have financial stability. In the afternoon you are in great shape, despite the tension. You do an excellent job if you are thorough. For you, love plays a leading role throughout the day. Success is with you if your feelings are shared. Don’t try to flirt. In the evening, indulge in sexual pleasures, but do not show your primary nature.


You will face problems that are caused by your mistakes and unwillingness to accept advice from your colleagues. Difficulties can be overcome with tact and patience. Be careful in everything you decide or take on the day. If necessary, hold your business meetings and conversations, but without promises that you have not considered. You communicate with pleasure. The romantic mood will encourage you to flirt, which can grow into a serious relationship during the day. You can indulge in sexual pleasures with mutual desire.


Proceed to clarify the relationship with your colleagues. Fatigue and tension will follow you throughout the day because you are worried about what is happening. Tasks can make it difficult for you. Do not refuse help from your colleagues if they offer it to you. In the afternoon you will be annoyed by unpleasant news related to your work. It is possible to meet your old lover, whom you have not seen for a long time and you have even forgotten. If you are married you will create serious problems. Your temptation to indulge in sexual pleasures is enormous, but then you will feel traitors.


Beware of mistakes that can become a serious obstacle in your work. Be careful with your words so as not to cause conflict in the workplace. Your conversations are successful if you are not nervous and do not irritate your interlocutors with your behavior. Travel will unload you and give you strength. Don’t let your female suspicion and vulnerability complicate relationships with your loved ones. Unmarried women will experience unexpected romantic moments and sexual pleasures.


Today you tend to shine with your progressive but difficult to understand ideas. Do not count on them to accept them without opposition. Take on your routine, though not very pleasant, professional duties. Your shortcomings are related to nervous tension and difficulties. Get rid of the tension in the family, dear ladies and your relationship will become normal. Prove to your loved ones that your feelings are unchanged. Lack of mutual understanding is the reason for your reluctance to have sexual pleasures.


On this day, you are tense and irritable because of a conversation that will force you to change your plans. If you stay calm you will achieve your goal. Risky business ventures are unsuccessful. It is not desirable to travel because you are distracted and will get into trouble. Relationships with your closest relatives may deteriorate due to property disputes. Do not change your beliefs, even though you are harming yourself. Do not show aggression in bed, because it does not give sexual pleasure to your partners.


You’ve been tense since morning. Be careful and cautious in communicating with your colleagues and do not argue with them. Protect yourself from serious conflict caused by business problems that arise during the day. At work, it is difficult to concentrate on your responsibilities, and this fact leads to future problems. You need love all day long. Do not miss the opportunity to go to dinner with your loved ones. In your sexual relationship, you are reluctant to consider your partner. Change your behavior.


Look for a compromise in workplace relationships so you don’t drive success out of your way. Don’t be angry about being ungrateful because you have experience and you know it’s common. Analyze what is happening in your workplace. Try to get the most out of yourself, but not to the detriment of others. You will not miss family problems because of your impulsiveness. Be honest and say what you don’t like about your intimate partners. Create a romantic atmosphere and indulge in sexual pleasures that will bring you mutual pleasure.


You have a successful business day ahead of you. In the workplace, you manage to impose your opinion and you will receive support related to your new plans. Do not create unnecessary tension among your colleagues and subordinates. Do not impose your opinion, so as not to spoil your relationship. Beware of conflicts with management that will not be easily forgotten. In your personal life, you are able to create problems out of jealousy. If you have avoided the problems, in the evening you have the opportunity to indulge in sexual pleasures and romantic moments.


Do not place vain hopes in connection with new business proposals. Restrain the emotion that hurts you during business conversations. Complete your work assignments. Your honesty in the workplace will give you the respect of your colleagues. Stabilize your authority. Married women to expect pleasant romantic experiences. Unmarried women can meet their great love and be happy. If you are married, sex will give you strength. Unmarried people who have met their partner should not rush into intimate moments.


Complete the tasks you started at the end of last week. You will overcome the obstacles on the way to success. Business meetings and acquaintances will be useful for you in the future. An influential patron will appear in your life. Load yourself with tact and the ability to listen to your interlocutor. In your personal life, a break in the relationship is possible because you are too jealous and do not hide the constant doubts in your partner. It is natural that after the quarrels you do not have a desire for intimate moments. However, think about whether sex will not make you better.


An unexpected notification will change your plans for the day. You are able to deal with problems if you do not allow your subjective assessments to hinder you. Do not overdo your desire for power in the workplace and do not humiliate your colleagues with constant criticism and irony. Be careful with romantic acquaintances, because you are in the power of emotion and you have no real judgment about the people around you. Do not cheat. Sexual intercourse with casual partners can lead to unwanted pregnancies and future problems, especially if you are married and have grown children.

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