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Alena’s horoscope: Gemini to avoid business meetings, Crabs will see old friends


Your desire is to move forward and start new activities, but be careful, because you are subject to negative influences from the morning of this day, and Mercury is still retrograde. Do not be aggressive if professional problems arise. You will cope with a little more effort and without creating tension. Jealousy creates serious misunderstandings in your personal relationships. Do not try to get your loved ones to admit that they have cheated on you. Sexual pleasures can eliminate misunderstandings in your family. Don’t miss them.


As much as you may not want to, you will need to meet with business partners with whom you have to work. Be kind, even if you don’t like them, even though Mercury is retrograde and caution is a must. You can be fair and responsible and earn well. Organize your work program so that you do not burden yourself with other people’s obligations. Avoid deteriorating family relationships. Do not overdo the pretensions to your loved ones, so as not to repel them. Prepare a pleasant romantic dinner and indulge in the desired sex for both of you.


Avoid business meetings if you are mentally stressed, especially in the still retrograde Mercury. For those who have decided to shop, the day is successful to choose the best, but do not do it during working hours to avoid intrigue from your colleagues. Don’t worry if you have unexpected difficulties at work. Unmarried women who have met a suitable partner can get married. Restore harmony in family relationships. Your sexual relationship is not wanted by either of you, which is why you feel unhappy and dissatisfied. Find the cause.


You will meet old friends and business partners who will give you guidelines on how to improve your financial situation, even though Mercury is in its retrograde motion. Watch how your relationship develops. Be moderate in your work and in your words. Do not show your satisfaction with what you have started. Save information on expected financial returns. In the family you will solve problems related to children. After the stress of the day, be the initiator and take your loved ones to a restaurant or create a cozy atmosphere at home to enjoy your feelings.


Be careful, Mercury is still retrograde. If you have a job to finish today, don’t delay your presence at work. Travel is undesirable, it can ruin your income plans, so postpone them at all costs. With your perseverance you will complete the started tasks on time. Do not sign financial or bank documents. The problems in your family come from your constant employment. If you do not come home on time, do not expect romantic moments and sexual pleasures.


Be prepared for troubles related to your social contacts, acquaintances, especially business, because Mercury is still retrograde. Get rid of your pessimistic thoughts. Be careful and protect yourself from financial losses and omissions in your workplace. Whatever difficulties you encounter, they are surmountable. You will see this before the end of the working day. Fate gives unmarried women a chance to create a harmonious family. He reminds families who do not have children that it is time to think about offspring. Hasty marriages or sexual intercourse are not desirable.


Success is with you if you are in business despite retrograde Mercury. Even if you take a risk, you will be able to achieve excellent results. Stabilize without slowing down your financial situation. Despite your desire for change, do not go beyond your own capabilities. In the workplace, be focused and thorough in your tasks. Your unreasonable sensitivity to your loved ones is a reason to doubt their loyalty. Don’t be jealous. Do not try to have aggressive sex with your partners just because you want revenge.


If possible, postpone your presence at work and travel to save yourself the trouble of your colleague’s stubborn reluctance to do his job. Otherwise, retrograde Mercury will ruin your relationship. Make changes to improve your financial situation. Before you start your new tasks, complete the remaining ones. You will save yourself the reproaches of your bosses and colleagues. Do not run away from new acquaintances, which can turn into a romantic relationship for unmarried women. Family women should not cheat. They can indulge in sexual pleasures, but others can judge whether they are confident in their feelings.


Eliminate the urgent damage at home, which has strained your relationship with your loved ones, even if you have to be a little late for work to wait for the masters. The day is good for shopping after you finish your work. Analyze your errors according to the requirements of retrograde Mercury. Avoid aggression in the workplace just because you fail to impose your opinion. Do not refuse advice from relatives, dear women. The afternoon offers new acquaintances and romantic hobbies. If you are not married, you will experience unforgettable sexual moments, but only if you are sure that your feelings are shared.


Income news that you learn today is an occasion to cope with your tasks both at work and at home and to reject them with pleasure. You will easily be able to change the way you work in your favor and for the benefit of your colleagues. You have the opportunity to improve your financial situation, although Mercury is still retrograde. Expect new acquaintances and unexpected romantic adventures. Family women should not cheat. Sex will give you strength and good mood. Don’t miss it because of your stubbornness.


Today you are in the power of the emotion that prevents you from reaping the expected successes, and Mercury is retrograde. Do not show aggression towards your colleagues, regardless of whether you are a leader or work under someone’s authority. Take care of your professional duties by the end of the working day. Do not shop in the evening. You will experience an unexpected romantic adventure, dear ladies, but you must be careful with meetings and new acquaintances. You have no desire for sex, and if you are going to divorce, it is unacceptable with your current partners.


The day gives you harmony in relationships. It is ideal for meeting colleagues and friends. Do not be hasty in your words or actions because of the still retrograde Mercury. Revenue news is a good reason to be active. Your job is controversial. Discard your most important tasks that you have planned so that you do not have to worry in the coming days. You will enjoy unexpected but desired romantic adventures that can become a stable relationship for unmarried women. Married women who do not yet have children can indulge in sexual pleasures, but also expect to conceive a child.

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