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Alena’s horoscope: Aries in peak form, Taurus reap success


You are at your peak in your workplace, despite retrograde Mercury. All endeavors bring you positive results. Business conversations are successful if you have a clear goal. Keep quiet, do not argue and listen to your interlocutor, even if you do not expect final decisions. Your travels bring the expected results. You belong with your heart to your loved ones much more than you expected. An argument has bothered and frightened you. Change your behavior. Tonight, give up sexual pleasures and try to restore harmony in your relationship with tact and patience.


You enjoy the success you reap in the workplace, but let your joy not be overshadowed by the lag of your current tasks due to unwillingness to comply with the requirements of retrograde Mercury. Your colleagues support you in your endeavors. Consider the professional changes planned for next week. Analyzing what is happening in your business relationship will help you gain additional benefits for yourself. There are serious contradictions in your personal life. The reason is your unwillingness to accept the point of view of your intimate partner. You have no chance to fix your relationship and settle misunderstandings until the evening. Do not force your partner for intimate experiences.


In the morning, you may run into problems due to disruptions from partners you work with related to the deliveries in your store, if you are engaged in trade. Be responsible to avoid losses and unexpected difficulties. Don’t take any chances, especially with Mercury’s still retrograde motion. The day is especially favorable for those engaged in a creative profession. Problems in the family will also hinder you at work if you do not clarify them in the morning. Your intimate partner doubts your feelings. Do not believe the intrigues with which they try to make you cheat by having sex with little-known partners.


You create conflicts in the workplace only because you are angry with your loved ones in the morning, but it is better to overcome your bad mood, because retrograde Mercury will create more problems for you. In the afternoon, get on with your usual professional duties. Don’t get bogged down in your personal problems. Unresolved work problems also constantly remind you of yourself and encourage you to take decisive action. The stars protect you from unexpected problems in your personal life. You have distanced yourself from your loved ones and aroused their suspicions that you have cheated. Try to create a romantic atmosphere and regain the desire for sexual pleasure in your partner.


You are tense and not very active at work, which slows down the quick completion of your work tasks. Ask your colleagues for help without worrying that they may turn you down. Despite your desire to be stable, you will have to deal with family conflicts, fueled by the retrograde movement of Mercury. Avoid new acquaintances, even if you are hoping for a romantic date, you have finally met the right partner. Do not succumb to the desire to have sex with unknown partners, because you risk creating serious problems.


Success accompanies those engaged in creative professions. Do not blame your Destiny if what you have planned does not bring the expected results, especially if you have opposed retrograde Mercury. You have the opportunity to shine with unsuspected abilities. Expect insurmountable difficulties and a strange and inexplicably hostile attitude on the part of your colleague. Do not cheat to save yourself personal problems. You will encounter communication difficulties caused by your infidelity, which will be difficult to forgive. Do not expect improvement in bed. It is sex that will be the cause of a bigger scandal with your spouse.


Unexpected news will change your plans for the day. The concluded contracts for deals promise good incomes, if you agreed on them in the previous days and now you only sign them. Conflicts with your partners are possible, provoked by the retrograde Mercury. At work, try to get in a good mood to ensure success and recognition. Your problems in relationships with your loved ones are also serious. The afternoon offers you new acquaintances and romantic hobbies. Do not make hasty attempts at intimacy and do not indulge in sexual experiences with little-known partners.


Don’t plan important business meetings so you don’t fail. Do not share your plans for the day or your goals. Expect revenue, despite retrograde Mercury, that is enough to keep you calm in the coming weeks. Enemies lurk around you to harm you, because again you have gone too far with your boasting. Be careful. Avoid new acquaintances and show restraint in communicating with little-known people. You will not resist the sexual attraction of your new acquaintances. If you are not seriously engaged, you can afford sexual pleasures.


The day is unfavorable for those engaged in trade. They will face problems, financial losses and difficulties if they decide to take risks and deceive someone. Then it will be difficult to recover from stress and loss of money. Employed in non-commercial professional fields will reap success if they do not give in to the power of emotion. Your feelings are shared and harmonious. Try to create a pleasant intimate atmosphere and be alone with your loved ones. In the evening expect to surprise you with a proposal are an intimate meeting and sexual experiences. If you are married – do not cheat.


Stabilize what you have achieved and create harmony in your relationship. You have the opportunity to make new business meetings and acquaintances, but be careful because of the still retrograde Mercury. You will succeed professionally. Arrange conversations with acquaintances working in financial institutions and prepare the necessary documents for signing. Remember that in the evening you promised to be with your spouse or intimate partner and go to a restaurant or party. When you get home, do not rush into a deep sleep, but indulge in sexual moments, especially if you have a passionate Taurus.


Emotion will strike you in the early hours of the day, but it is in your power to control it because you are hurting yourself at work. You are worried about your personal worries and do not want to take on your tasks. You will certainly cause your own failures if you stand against the demands of retrograde Mercury. Don’t give in to a tempting offer. Giving a quick answer will leave you deceived. Do not be late if you want to indulge in your feelings and intimate moments with your loved ones. Prepare a pleasant surprise, a romantic atmosphere and lovingly surround your intimate partner to indulge in full-fledged sex.


Today you are tense and tired. Postpone scheduled business meetings and conversations because Mercury is still retrograde and brings you surprises. Patiently accept the troubles so that they do not lead you to untimely and causeless despair, for which you have no reason. Accept an offer for a trip and a business meeting abroad, which you should make in the coming days. Avoid family quarrels. Beware of new contacts and infidelities, because they will reveal you immediately. Single people should expect a marriage proposal and sexual experiences. In families without children, the dream child may appear.

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