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Alena’s horoscope: Aries cope with backward tasks, Tauruses correct gaps on the road to success


Find time on the weekend and at all costs deal with all the backlogs, because you are threatened with quarrels at work because of the deliberate delay due to stubbornness and unwillingness to give up other more interesting activities. Do not give in to your desire for entertainment. If you run your own business, put your accounting documents in order. Expect a new acquaintance or meeting, which will unfortunately leave you with the memory of disappointments and regrets for vain hopes. You have no reason to doubt the feelings of your intimate partner, so indulge in sexual pleasures.


Seclude yourself and indulge in introspection, which brings you awareness of the mistakes of the weekend. Do not have unnecessary and intense conversations at your workplace, so as not to be isolated from your colleagues. Correct your shortcomings to walk the path to success. Be careful in communicating with future business partners if your meeting has been arranged for this day for a long time. Peace of mind in your home is a guarantee of a normal relationship with your intimate partner, so keep it. Don’t get angry if you miss the sexual moments. The reason is in you too.


Do not try to fly to another goal, but be moderate and reasonable on this day off. Think calmly about everything you do. Expect small returns that you can multiply, but by no means invest so as not to lose everything. In the workplace, success is with you if you do not divert it from your path. Expect news in the afternoon. Do not expect harmony and forgiveness from intimate partners who are nervous about your behavior. Your sexual relations are harmonious.


The day is a holiday and is unfavorable because of frauds and disappointments that interfere with the harmony in your relationship. Emotion is more than allowed and hurts you because of the aggressive tone in which you speak. You are doing unexpectedly well at work. In the afternoon, expect failures in your personal life because you are ready to argue and force yourself. Family problems are exacerbated by your reluctance to talk to your loved ones. Do not take your loved ones away from you. Strong feelings and harmonious sexual relations are important to you.


Have your urgent business conversations on this weekend. Talk to your loved ones if you still have unresolved misunderstandings, so as not to bother and distract you. Be honest with them, but accept their opinion. In the afternoon you have the opportunity to have fruitful meetings with colleagues. Unmarried women to expect a date and a romantic passion. Stay with your loved ones in the evening. If you are married, nice women, and you are not sure that your sex life is active enough, I recommend that you consider whether you are with the right partner.


Today, on the weekend, you are influenced by emotion and due to haste you can make irreversible mistakes. Avoid new business acquaintances, postpone your meetings. Think about your actions before you take a step towards something new. You can file lawsuits if you have to resolve disputes with your business partners or relatives. Beware of problems in personal relationships. Luck is with you if you arm yourself with patience. Infidelity and sexual pleasures will cause you problems if you are engaged in marriage or a serious relationship.


From the morning on the weekend you have a heightened sensitivity. I do not recommend you to blindly obey the emotion. Be prudent and show tact and diplomacy in communication. If you get nervous at work, your colleagues will distance themselves and fail on their own. In personal life, the changes will be positive for non-married women and unfavorable for married women. Do not abuse the patience of your loved ones if you have decided to separate from your spouse. Do not expect sexual moments.


Difficulties arise on the weekend due to your own fault. You are prone to financial loss problems because of your desire to finance precarious business ahead of time. Your quest for change has unpredictable consequences, so give it up on this day. Emotion prevents you from working actively. Try to be responsible for your professional tasks. Stability in family relationships depends only on you, dear women. Do not neglect sexual pleasures because of your bad mood.


Do not allow problems just because you are nervous and do not want to talk to your colleagues, and they wonder what is happening and whether it affects them. Don’t refuse help and share your worries. You are able to reject a lot of work. Expect income, even though the day is a day off. Do not rush to invest if you are running your own business. There are not enough positive emotions in personal life. You have affected your intimate partner. If you do not change your attitude towards your loved ones, you risk losing your sexual pleasures with them forever, no matter how much you love them.


Changes on the weekend are waiting for you, which should not bother you. Discover your unsuspected possibilities in the workplace. Traveling will be good for you and will bring you success and income. Try to focus on your tasks. Mistakes will be difficult to correct and create unnecessary conflicts. Before drawing conclusions about your personal relationship, strike a balance between your feelings and your thoughts and answer yourself if you are really in love. You are not inclined to indulge in sexual pleasures, but you should not do it.


Be careful to avoid mistakes at your workplace on the weekend. Success is with you, even if you have decided to take on new tasks that you have been considering for a long time, but you were unsure. Do not miss the opportunity to start new activities to improve your financial situation, but be careful what they burden you with. There will be chaos in your personal relationships because you will lose track of your desires. You scared your partner with your aggression in bed. Do not expect harmony in intimate relationships.


The changes will not be in your favor on this weekend, if you can not take them it will be better for you. Emotions that are difficult to control will prevent you from doing your job. Arm yourself with patience to avoid mistakes in your workplace. If you have problems with your colleagues, solve them calmly and tactfully. Do not accept your love as reality, because you will turn events to your detriment. Do not abuse the patience of your intimate partner, who is not sure of your feelings and has no desire for sexual pleasures.

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