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Alena’s horoscope: Aquarius impresses colleagues, Pisces does not overdo it


It is possible that today you will stabilize your financial situation, quite unexpectedly for yourself and despite the retrograde Mercury. You deserve it for the good results of your work in recent days. Your ingenuity and ability to assess what is really happening in the workplace will allow you to deal with an unexpected situation. It’s time to think about your vacation and take your loved ones or your spouses to a restaurant. Once you get home, you can indulge in your feelings and have healthy and energizing sex.


Do not travel unless absolutely necessary, because Mercury is retrograde. Strange but you are also too distracted at work. It is better to ask a colleague to do your work for you in order to save yourself mistakes, followed by reproaches and quarrels. My advice is, if possible, to postpone some of your official duties. Postpone family conversations for the evening because your personal life requires you to reconsider your relationship with your spouse or intimate partner. Your sex life is also problematic. The reason this time is in you, because you do not feel loved enough and you are closed in on yourself.


The day is unfavorable for communication, and Mercury is still retrograde. Do not cause problems that cause a scandal with your spouse. Be restrained in expressing your emotions and consider your words. You are distracted at work and do not work at all. You’d better drop your most important tasks for two hours and go home. In the evening, solve a family problem. Harmonize family relationships. Make a romantic date. No matter how tired and obsessed you are with your success, don’t miss the sexual pleasures that will give you strength.


Today you are nervous and suffer from insomnia, which blocks your thought processes. The reason is your unwillingness to see your own mistakes and to justify the people around you, especially in the retrograde motion of Mercury. Financial losses are possible, which if you allow them, will affect your business and your professional plans. In relationships with your loved ones, be restrained in expressing your emotions. Do not cheat! Families will experience unforgettable sexual pleasures. Unmarried people should be careful in their sexual contacts.


They will make you an unexpected offer for a new job, but consider carefully whether it is worth giving a positive answer since Mercury is retrograde. Accept additional work only if you decide that it will not burden you and which you will do the next day. In the evening, stay at home and rest so as not to harm yourself. If you are not married and have found the right partner, today is the perfect day to start a family. You will guarantee happiness. If you have freed yourself from your doubts and are confident in your feelings, sex will give you unforgettable moments.


There is an opportunity to improve your financial situation, but with reason because of the continuing retrograde motion of Mercury. Problems with your neighbors or acquaintances are not ruled out in the afternoon. Be patient and restrained if they try to use you. Your colleagues are ready to get involved in the tasks you offer, if you are not too critical of them. Create harmony in your intimate relationship, and if you are married to your spouse. If necessary, apologize. Do not deprive yourself of romantic moments and sexual pleasures. They will stabilize your relationship.


Today you are especially reticent and difficult to communicate with everyone, because you tend to be either silent or insulting, prompted by retrograde Mercury. If you decide to travel, fulfill your intentions in the afternoon. Don’t rely on your luck. If you have to be active and responsible in your workplace, be patient and calm down. In the evening, expect good news related to a romantic date and clarification of your feelings with your loved ones. Be tactful. Once you prove to each other that you love each other, sex will give you strength and good mood.


Despite the temptation to work actively and worry about your colleagues, it is good to calm down. In the workplace, try to reject urgent obligations, according to the command of retrograde Mercury. If you are in a managerial position you have the opportunity to consider for the performance of your subordinates salary increase for after the end of the summer. You are able to cause your failures yourself. Don’t expect your loved ones to make constant compromises. Sexual pleasures should not be forcibly begged if your intimate partner does not want them.


Excessive suspicion and at times overconfidence are the cause of misunderstandings in your personal life. Business meetings have failed due to the requirements of retrograde Mercury. Cancel conversations if they are related to future joint projects. It is better to remain silent if you are not confident in the correctness of your business partners. You can get the long-awaited love confession, which is a guarantee of success in personal life. Shared feelings fill you with optimism. Sex will work well for you if you are not with a casual partner, just because you do not want to feel lonely. If you can afford it, you will feel hurt.


You have the opportunity to implement your ideas and solve your problems if you are willing to compromise to get the support of retrograde Mercury. You will succeed in your personal life. As long as you ask, you will complete your tasks at work. Do not talk about loans. Do not agree to fund someone’s project. In the evening, expect problems in the family or with loved ones. Do not be capricious and listen to their wishes. Romantic moments with your intimate partner and sexual pleasures will give you strength.


In the workplace, prove to everyone that you are able to achieve your goal and complete the tasks started before the deadline. You will impress your colleagues and management with your skills. Do not argue if they have a different opinion than yours, so as not to be without support, especially in the still retrograde Mercury. If you have decided to look for the right partner for a romantic relationship today, luck is not with you. Romantic dating will disappoint you. Despite your reluctance to constantly prove your feelings, do it today to experience unforgettable intimate moments in bed.


Relationships with your colleagues are harmonious despite retrograde Mercury. Keep them if you want to be sure of their support in carrying out the professional plans shared with them. It’s up to you to win them. Do not overdo it in your desire to show what good professionals you are, so as not to offend any of your subordinates and business partners. It’s time to end an old love affair that causes you problems in family life and can ruin your marriage. Beware of accidental sexual intercourse, because you will be surprised after a while by an unwanted pregnancy.

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