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Alena Sviridova Shares Impressions From Her Trip to Italy on Instagram

Yaroslav Grigoriev

21 minutes ago

Alena Sviridova

The performer, who regularly appears on Channel One, has ceased to hide the fact that she is in Italy. In the microblog, she shared her impressions and talked about the difficulties.

In the 90s, Alena Sviridova was one of the most popular Russian singers. Recently, the performer of the hit “Poor Sheep” again appeared before the fans, appearing on the show “Two Stars: Fathers and Sons.” She also performed in the issue, which was shown by Channel One today. It turned out, however, that the program was recorded a few weeks ago, and now Sviridova is in Europe. In her microblog on the Instagram platform banned in the Russian Federation, the singer announced her departure to Italy. Sviridova shared her first impressions of Rome.

“Yesterday I was so that today I limited myself to a walk around the house. I read, thought, wrote, even played the guitar – friends gave it for temporary use. I immediately fell in love with my new home – everything is done here with love and understanding, ”Alena Valentinovna boasted.

Alena Sviridova

As it turned out, she found housing through the Airbnb service, which has recently not served guests from Russia and Belarus. However, Sviridova found how to deceive the system – everything was arranged and paid for by her son Vasily, who permanently lives in Canada. The artist herself treats such difficulties philosophically – they say, in the 90s we did not go through this.

“How many of these figs were shown to us! Women who have dried their hair in the oven are unstoppable. The older generation will understand, and I will advise the younger generation not to give in to circumstances. Hooray! Holidays! I love everyone, ”the celebrity addressed the fans.

Netizens showered Sviridov with compliments. “You are great, natural, without filters,” wrote one of the fans. We add that far from always the artist’s foreign trips end happily. So, a few weeks ago, she was raped in Iran.

Source: www.instagram.com

Photo source: Instagram, Larisa Kudryavtseva

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