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Aleksandra Sworowska in “One Night Squad”. “I got here thanks to my aunt”

  • “One Night Squad” is a new bikini reality program on Player.pl
  • In the show, people known from such programs as “Top Model”, “Warsaw Shore” or “Hotel Paradise” appear in a completely new role
  • – They will throw off the masks they are so well known for. They will be put in extreme situations – reveals Aleksandra Sworowska, who makes her debut in the leading role
  • She calls herself a “working woman”. In TVN she worked, among others as a producer and reporter
  • When asked about social media for which she is very well known, she emphasizes: – Instagram is one big fake. I would never like to be an advertising column
  • You can find more such talks on the Onet.pl home page

Onet Kultura: Have you already got pre-premiere stress?

Aleksandra Sworowska: (laugh) I was not about to get stressed yet, because I am practically non-stop at work. We recorded the episodes of “One Night Squad” some time ago. I am very happy that such a project has taken place in my life. I hope there will be a continuation. And I can’t wait for the final effect, I’m very curious.

The slogan “Who is Aleksandra Sworowska?” Stands out in recent weeks on the Internet.

In fact, I am a working woman – a producer, journalist, reporter in various TV programs, I was a publisher of very large formats – both for my mother’s station, where I have been making “Hotel Paradise”, and for the competition. In fact, I found “One Night Squad” by accident, one of the producers came up with the idea, he wanted to test me in a new form. I decided to do it because I like challenges, I have radio experience, I host a podcast and a daytime broadcast on the radio. I didn’t think about it too much, I passed the casting and it worked.

You started your adventure with the media early.

His first job at TVN — yes I started when I was 21. I came here thanks to my aunt, she met me with Dorota Williams, who decided to take me for an internship for “Dancing with the Stars”. It was the first time I had contact with show business. After two years, I realized that I am much more close to the subject of production than clothes. I’ve always loved staying on set, the biggest one fun he was giving me a set. I was spreading the cutlery on the “Top Chef”, and a moment later I wrote scripts for him. A huge challenge!

So special thanks go to auntie.

Oh yes! But the most thank you to my mother, who once told my aunt at a family dinner: do something with her, because she is unhappy.

And wants to be a star?

Absolutely not, that’s the last thing on my mind. I would like to be appreciated for what I do, I would like to do it well, I would like no one to say: where did this girl come from … I want my actions to speak for themselves, not to be an ordinary leader, but a person who is curious its participants. I never thought that because of the program, I would have more followers on Instagram, I absolutely do not care about popularity.

Is it true that Instagram is lying?

Instagram is one big fake, but it’s also a platform for people to be what they dreamed of. Is it bad? It doesn’t bother me when someone wants to be seen a certain way, I don’t mind. I would never want to be an advertising column myself, just doing it to feel better. Instagram has definitely changed everyone’s life, it dictates completely new conditions. I would not judge if it was good or bad.

You don’t like the term influencer, but it’s hard to name the heroes of your show differently.

I think this influencer has a very bad reputation for how people treat this job on Instagram. There are people who do it really cool. I think that if only such people were influencers, this term would not be negative. My wonderful participants are absolutely influencers, and I think this program did them a lot of good. People will finally see them in a completely new version, they are cool kids.

One Night Squad is referred to as bikini reality. As with other formats of this type, can we expect controversy?

I can not speak (laugh). We can definitely expect controversy due to the fact that this is ten strong personalities, very specific. Reality reveals a lot, you can pretend, but up to a point. Here there will definitely be a lot of moments where our participants will throw off the masks for which they are so famous. They will be put in absolutely extreme situations.

Do you think that today the line of controversy and scandal has shifted significantly on television?

Definitely yes. But I think it’s good that the line on television is shifting, as creators of this type of show we are able to afford much more. What I do not like, however, is that young people observe those influencers, as we said, who do not realize how enormously they influence young people.

Do you feel responsible on Instagram?

Sure. Although I have about 15 thousand. followers, which with the reach of the “One Night Squad” team is a certain amount. How can I not feel responsible?

Then tell which side of the camera is your favorite?

You know I don’t know … I really like what happened, I would like to continue it. Even though the pictures were very hard – Africa, a very tight schedule – it was a great experience … I didn’t answer the question anyway …

Because you’re just trying to figure out the answer.

I have to face this.

And with online comments.

I always imagine that these negative comments are written by a sweaty guy in a “wifey”. Who normal comments on things in a way that might hurt? But I also never encountered any fierce hatred. I think that will happen now.

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