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Alejandro Giammattei shows his support for Israel in the face of Hamas attacks

The president of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammatteiexpressed this Saturday his “condolences” y “support” to Israel in the face of attacks “Without justification” against them, orchestrated by the Islamist movement Hamas.

“We express our deep solidarity with the families of the victims”Giammattei pointed out in a message broadcast through official state channels.

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“On behalf of the people and Government of Guatemala, I express our most sincere condolences and support to Israel in this time of difficulty in the face of attacks perpetrated without justification.”Giammattei added.

According to the latest reports, the dead in Israel have exceeded one hundred and the injured total 908 due to the Hamas attack.

The offensive took place this Saturday when the Palestinian militias in the Gaza Strip, led by Hamas, launched a combined operation, launching more than thousands of rockets and infiltrating Israeli territory, in a surprise and unprecedented attack.

A group of militiamen from the Al Qasam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, infiltrated several towns bordering the strip, where harsh clashes broke out with Israeli troops; They kidnapped soldiers and civilians, stole an Israeli military armored vehicle and even demolished part of the separation fence between Israel and Gaza with backhoes.

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