Home » today » News » Alejandro Díaz, from HiMobility: “In Gijón there is room for more than one electric scooter operator” | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

Alejandro Díaz, from HiMobility: “In Gijón there is room for more than one electric scooter operator” | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

The new one Mobility Ordinance from Gijón, which will be published in the BOPA next May, still finds disparity of opinions about its regulation of the electric scooter. Alejandro Díaz, president of Grupo Baldajos and HiMobility, the latter one of the two companies that currently manage the rental of electric scooters in Gijón, has confirmed in BE Gijón what the compulsory use of the helmet established by the new norm to circulate on the road cannot be assumed by the operators.

“Unfortunately we don’t have -because they do not exist that we know them- technical and technological means to manage helmets. Therefore, we can only tell users to be respectful of the ordinance ”. Díaz clarifies, however, that HiMobility has not had any incidents to date since the service was launched. “

Regarding the possibility raised by the Councilor for Mobility, Aurelio Martín, that only one operator is the concessionaire of the service, Alejandro Díaz Gonzalez believes that, although “as the councilor points out, there is not a great mass to have diversity or a multitude of operators providing this service in Gijón, it is true that in recent times two companies have coexisted efficiently “.

The HiMobility manager believes that the mass of 400 personal mobility vehicles that the city currently has confirms that more than one operator would be “good both for the administration, because it would have two projects that can give this coverage and therefore this double layer of guarantee for users, as good for companies and for the user, that you need competence and diversity of services that will give you greater and better coverage “.

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