On Thursday, January 19, 2023, Mrs. Mary Carmack-Altwies Santa Fe District Attorney New Mexico announced on Thursday that Mr. Alec Baldwin American senior actor will be prosecuted unintentional murder from the case he shotprop gunDuring the filming of ‘Rust’ and a bullet hits a cameraman, Halena Hutchins passed away in October 2021.
In addition, Congressman Hannah Guterres Reed, who was in charge of providing firearms for the film, will also be sued for the same charges The lawsuit will be filed by the end of the month. which if the jury finds that he is guilty of the chargesunintentional murder Baldwin and Reed each face up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine.
Director Joel Sosa was also injured in the incident. But prosecutors said no filings were made.sueRelated to this case, while Mr. David Hall, assistant director pleaded guilty to negligent use of a lethal weapon which is a misdemeanor He will be on parole for six months.
Ms Hutchins’ husband, who died, issued a statement through her lawyer saying: He supports prosecution on those charges. point to the consolation of his family that in the state of New Mexico No one is above the law
But Mr Baldwin’s attorney, Luke Nikas, argued that The prosecutor’s decision was a failure of justice. “Mr. Baldwin has absolutely no reason to believe that There was real ammunition in that gun. or anywhere in the shooting scene,” said Mr. Nicus. “He believes in the professionalism of the people he works with. who assured him that The gun doesn’t have real ammunition. We will fight this charge and we will win.”