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Alec Baldwin dismisses ‘lies’ about fatal shooting incident on film set

American actor Alec Baldwin has firmly rejected allegations that he would not cooperate with the police investigation after the fatal shooting incident on the film set of Rust.

“Any suggestion that I am not complying with requests, orders, demands or search warrants regarding my phone is nonsense. That’s a lie,” the actor says in a video on Instagram.

In mid-December, the Santa Fe, New Mexico State Police Department, received a search warrant to seize Baldwin’s iPhone. That this has not happened yet is because the actor himself lives in New York and the authorities of New Mexico have to deal with all kinds of rules and laws in New York.

‘I cooperate for 1000 percent’

According to Baldwin, that takes time. “They can’t just go through your phone and go through all your pictures, your love letters to your wife, or whatever. That is a process that takes time,’ he says. ‘But of course I will cooperate for 1000 percent.’

In late October, Baldwin accidentally shot camerawoman Halyna Hutchins with a weapon that served as a prop. The actor did not know that the weapon was loaded and said he had no idea how a real bullet could have ended up in the weapon.


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