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Aldi and Kaufland are planning a major entry: Real sales are entering the next round

With the acquisition of the platform, Aldi and Kaufland could expand their online business and keep up with Lidl, Otto and co.

Both dealers are still miles away from this at the moment. Aldi is currently only experimenting with the small service offering “Aldi Licks”. The giant is only gaining initial experience in online business abroad. There is currently an Aldi online shop in Great Britain and China.

Nevertheless, Aldi seems to be satisfied with the development of “Aldi delivers”. During the Corona crisis, the company was also able to generate decent sales online. Fitness equipment and smart home products in particular seemed to have sold well. For a few weeks now, the online offer in the Aldi brochure has been promoted more.

Kaufland had started a grocery shop, but it quickly closed. The company is now experimenting with a “Kaufland brings” s “online trade for household and electronic products. In 2018, the Schwarz Group, to which Kaufland and Lidl belong, generated sales of EUR 757 million via the Lidl.de online shop a. –

Experts expect Real.de to generate sales of one billion euros. The marketplace benefited particularly in the Corona crisis. The SCP Group hopes that the sale will generate income of at least 150 million euros, according to the industry paper.

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