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Alcoholized off track? Police are looking for accident scene

Fürth (ots) – On the roadside of Heppenheimer Straße / Am Linnenbach, Bundesstraßen 38/460, road users met a disbanded driver on Wednesday evening (April 29), who apparently caused an accident on her route. The passenger door of the 57-year-old Opel driver showed fresh signs of an accident. The damage is estimated at 5000 euros. Blood was taken from the woman for the investigation and a driver’s license was secured.

The police in Heppenheim have so far not been able to find the accident site and are asking for information from the population. Possible accident time could have been between Rimbach and Fürth around 9 p.m. The accident car has a red paint job. All information on the case will be received on 06252/7060.

Original content from: Police Headquarters South Hesse, transmitted by news aktuell

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