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Alcohol raid on the Isar: Top driver has 1.6 per mille in blood

München – For some leisure boaters on the Isar, the police’s alcohol raid on Saturday on the Isar near Baierbrunn was a cold shower. 80 inflatable boats and kayaks were checked. The alcohol test caught 13 people who had drunk a lot of alcohol. The top person comes from Munich with a blood alcohol level of 1.6 per mille, and his driving license is now in serious danger.

Relaxing in the dinghy – until the police check

Relaxing on a hot summer’s day in a rubber dinghy and floating down the Isar, perhaps with a few bottles of beer or wine bobbing in the cold water on a line, is fun. At least until you get checked and learn that not everything is allowed on the Isar.

Officers from PI 32 (Grünwald) had set up a checkpoint at the weir near Baierbrunn. The weir is where the canal and the wild Isar meet, so all water sports enthusiasts have to get out of the water, an ideal place for a check. 250 people were checked by the police, a spokesman for the police headquarters in Munich said on Monday. A total of 80 inflatable boats and kayaks were checked for safety.

As on the roads, a 0.5 per mille limit applies on the Isar

During alcohol tests, 13 recreational captains were caught with more than 0.5 per mille of alcohol in their blood while paddling, thereby violating the boating regulations of the Munich District Office. The top performer was a 26-year-old from Munich. According to the police, “Captain Bluebear” had 1.6 per mille of alcohol.

As with drunk cyclists, the police will also inform the driving license office in this case. In the end, the Munich resident could even lose his driving license because of his boozy ride along the Isar.

All this is forbidden on the Isar

Because serious accidents keep happening on the Isar – most recently a 46-year-old died in the river a few weeks ago – the Munich district office issued a boating ordinance in 2020. It clearly regulates what is allowed on the river and the canal: canoes, inflatable boats and stand-up paddling boards. The inflatable boats must comply with a specified DIN standard. It is also not permitted to attach dinghies or tie vehicles together, the ordinance states.

There is also an alcohol limit of 0.5 per mille for boat occupants. Children up to eight years of age and non-swimmers must wear life jackets with CE markings. Glass bottles are prohibited, as are booming Bluetooth speakers. Fines vary greatly. 50 euros are due for blaring loudspeakers, and around 150 euros for driving in an inflatable boat while under the influence of alcohol. In the case of blatant or repeated violations, fines of up to 5,000 euros can be imposed, explains a police spokesperson.

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Alcohol raid on the Isar: Top driver has 1.6 per mille in blood


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Parents who only put water wings on their three-year-old child during the trip on the Isar instead of a life jacket also have to pay.

By the way, if you treat yourself to a few beers on a raft trip between Wolfratshausen and Munich, you are not risking your driving license. The rafters are responsible. The passengers are fine, as long as they follow the usual safety regulations – similar to a passenger in a taxi.


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